Friday, October 3, 2008

Why it is not so simple

-usual rules of the dilemma blog, i write these blogs straight with no grammer or spelling correction or juggling of the issues because i am just speaking my mind...enjoy!*

The countdown to the Superbowl of politics is here and all I can say is what? The magnificent sparring duos have managed to make a mockery again out of the presidential process and once again this saddens me to no end. I am sure you who read this blog know that I am not much of a person to choose Democrat or Republican, but at the rate these presidential congressmen are moving, I might as well just stay home and not vote! Some point in the election, and for that matter every election that I have had the undo “vomit-worthy” time to watch, they need to point out that these idiots are running for president. Ok I get it, you must make false promises that you cant back up in order to get the countries attention so people will vote but by all means make false promises that the president/vice-president can actually carry out. Listen Obama/McCain you are not running for congress anymore. You can not make the laws, you enforce the laws. If you are going to step into the big boy spotlight, then it is about time you act like big boys. I might be the most difficult person in the entire world to convince who to vote for because I will not be swayed by your moronic attempts to appeal to my “wants” side. Once again the liberals and conservatives have show me they are like cows being led to the slaughter and vote simply because they don’t like bush, or they don’t like Clinton or they are a card carrying member of the democratic or republican party. Well news flash, I walk around with a pizza hut buffet card in my wallet, that doesn’t mean I am going to vote for them as the worlds healthiest food. (Sure you are all saying what???) If you carry one of these cards, wonderful, however …WHY? I mean seriously isn’t your patriotic duty to your country more important. The Republicans and the Democrats of your chosen party are not always right. Neither is that Ronald Reagan hair cut a certain friend of mine had in school, but that is a psychological issue that will be dealt with when he is older, in diapers and running around the nursing home like he is superman!

I have my friends (and you know who you are) who tell me it is simple, Obama is the only choice. I have family and other friends that say the US will fall unless we get McCain in office. Well here is a news flash… Bush was not that intelligent, but we are here and Clinton had sexual relations with an intern and we are still here. 4 to 40 years later we still have the same problems. Democrats and Republicans have yet to fix anything except the seriousness of the presidency. All we can talk about is bush’s “stoopidness” yet we had a real moron who brought shame to the white house just 9 years ago in his cheating ways and now he backs up his wife??? How interesting.

Why isn’t this simple? Why can’t the American public get a clue and realize what the presidency is all about. Why can’t we call out the candidates? I am beyond blaming the candidates at this point on, now I blame us. When are we going to wake up, realize the job of the president and hold him/her/it to just that? I had to come to the saddest realization a year or so ago and that is we will never elect a good president again because in order to be a good president, you have to be what a president is: A upholder of the law and honest! People just wont vote for the honest man, even though it hurts.

So do me a favor oh mighty straight ticket Democratic and republican voters, apologize to me for ruining the office I hold most high and then take a bow. You have officially made me sad.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The New "Ride"

It is finally here! For those who have been keeping up with the life according the Nick, I have spent the last 3 or so weeks vehicle shopping. Test driving just about every small SUV I could, narrowing my search to the CR-V, Escape, Mariner and the Santa Fe...It left for a difficult decision. In the end, it all comes down to the power of Honda and the resale ability of their vehicles as well as the quality. Through bidding wars and such, I finally got one in the price range my cheap self would pay...and the results is i have my Vehicle! I hope you all enjoy looking at it like i enjoy driving it!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"In the Trenches" The Heroic Tale of Kevin & Nick

A cold night, one not fit for most to be out and about on, however, when it concerns life or death there is no choice. With the death of night creeping to its darkest hour and the only thing one can hear is his own heartbeat and the footsteps that are marked by a trembling of the hands and a nervousness of being discovered, two men hurry on in hopes of freedom. This was no ordinary camp and these were no ordinary men, for I know one of them as well as I can know anything and to tell you now that they are heroes, you would never believe. Here they are the only two captives of a horrible regime that is hell bent on world domination and they are doing so by moving the world to their every demand. One mile from this encampment is the possibility of freedom, but can they do it. German voices ring out in terror as they make a grave discovery…they are gone! Soldiers mount up in arms, and though the two men can’t understand what they are saying there is one thing for certain, killing is on their minds. Into a tent the two brave men run where Kevin notices a tank. For those who know Kevin, you know he is never shy about stepping outside the bounds of the regular to have a laugh or two, but is this a time for jokes? Kevin climbs the tank, which its massive size is compared to a small building, and prepares to ride his chariot to freedom. Nick mounts the turret on the tank and they take off to a shrill of German horror. How fitting is it that two German descendants are now going to be the ones to take down this power hungry army. With a mighty cannon blast, Kevin smokes an on coming jeep with 6 Nazis in it and with a loud explosion there are no survivors. Not to be one who just kills with a cannon, he turns his focus to running over small groups of Nazis which for some reason doesn’t kill them but instead angers them more. Another explosion as well as fire and screaming signals that Kevin has just torched two more jeeps and ran over 3 buildings that lay in his path. Camera flashes go off all around, people are not just screaming for fear but there is much cheering as well. Street clothed people in tourist clothes enjoy the show as two men wipe out an entire base. The fence crumbles below the pressure of the tank as Kevin and Nick flee into the streets of San Francisco in hopes for freedom. It is decided, there is no way they can out run the army of Nazis by tank, so they abandon the tank and flee to a familiar hotel they stayed at when last here. No where to hide, they flee away from Chinatown and duck into a darkened stairwell. There was no where to go. The door above has been sealed off, so the brave men hid in the shadows of the stairwell hoping to not be detected. Is this it? Are they finished? Suddenly the face of a young Asian Nazi soldier appears in the glass door. Unable to completely hide, they were easily detected and this was sure to be the last run of the brave duo. The Asian gentleman smiled and gave a quick thumbs-up to the heroes, and turned to the Nazis and told them that there was no one in there. A sigh of relief laid out over the cold air as the Nazi soldiers moved on. Leaving their hiding spot to move on, they were spotted by 3 rogue soldiers and a fight ensued. Nick easily took out two of the soldiers while Kevin gutted the third with a broken piece of glass he had found. There was no blood, what does this mean? Hearing footsteps, Kevin opened a man cover into the sewer. The greasy residue was exactly like a pizza hut grease trap and it wreaked of year old food. They pushed on till the air started to clear and the end of the tunnel was in sight. Kevin easily tossed the man hole cover aside to reveal they were at the fisherman’s wharf looking out at the shore of two American allies: the French and the Spanish. It has seemed that the Nazi soldiers had moved San Francisco to England and the brave heroes were not in America. Their mission clear, their goals set they decided to split up and swim to apposing shores in order to get help and make it back to the US. Nick swam off to Spain while Kevin swam for France. The water was freezing, fighting through ice and the burden of the long journey meant that this task would not be easy by any means. Then a flash and a click, a light shown out over all he could see. Nick struggled to see what was going on…it was his computer monitor! WHAT IN THE WORLD? Man, I don’t know what I ate before bed last night, but that was the funkiest dream of all time!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Has the Media already elected our next president?

First of all before I begin, lets keep in mind the spirit of Nick’s blog posts…I post them straight without correction because I type straight from my heart. I don’t type to change my mind half way through and I do bounce around a lot as usual but keep in mind the spirit of what I write and as always keep in mind that these are my words, and you do not have to think like me at all! Now on to the post….

Do me a favor and read that title and truly think about it!

Now I know there are liberals out there who are saying “Tough, that is politics!” and then there are conservatives out there saying “This isn’t fair, give equal face time…that is what is right!” My blog post purpose is to say this “know the facts!” To me, as sad as it seems, it looks like the media has already knighted Obama the next president of the United States. They amount of focus on his campaign is quite sickening. Now am I going to vote for him…ehhhh. Do I feel strong for McCain…ehhhh. The next goofball that comes up to me and says race is an issue I will slap them, if you tell me age I will kick you and most of all if you tell me not to elect another republican to office I will remind you that the person makes the office not the party. Now sure, the beliefs of that man as it comes to political parties will weigh in on his decisions but far be it from me to believe more than 10% of what is said by either candidate. “We need a change!” You are so correct sir/ma’am we do need a change, however this can only take place when the democrats and republicans put aside their pig headed ways and open themselves up to the possiblilites of a country no longer divided. Yes, as one of my friends would say we need the different parties to keep our country from being run by one set of ideas that could lead to a dictatorship, but do we need to be so far divided that it tears our country into pieces?

Far be it for me to be conservative or liberal. Anyone who knows me thinks they know exactly what I am…my liberal friends call me conservative and my conservative friends call me liberal. Now what does that tell you? Here is the crux of it all just in case you don’t truly know me and that is…I want you to think about your decisions. Do not base your choice what GW did while he was in office or how Carter messed up or the Clinton affair, but instead base your decision on what you feel is right and just as it comes to running our country. Both sides want to whine about how there are people out there who are “idiot” voters, you know ones that vote because someone fed them false information, however no one is willing to stop feeding the false information.

Let me turn my focus to the media. Now before the sides say I support Rush Butterball or Billary Clinton (yes that is misspelled like that on PURPOSE) but the truth is I just can’t stand either side. I am as hard headed as they come, but when I run into ignorant people who feel either side is the perfect way to run the country…I just puke.

I am calling for a change! Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, Left wing, right wing, chicken wing…I don’t care who you are, you need to listen up because this is what the people who are out there are saying! Give me the facts. Give me the facts. GIVE ME THE FACTS! No more dancing around questions, tell me what you believe and what you see our country needs. Then write all of this down and give it to me. Educate me. Make me a smarter voter. Speak to me in a way I can comprehend. You want a true difference in this country… you want people to vote as they should vote? Then…step off your stage, put down your thesaurus and look me in the eye and tell me what you think is wrong, and what you think is right and how can we fix and maintain this. Tell me how you are going to fix Social Security! (Not that it is broke in the first place, it shouldn’t even be around anymore…another story for another time) Show me how we can get health care to everyone! Show me how you fix welfare and the tax evaders. Show me how you are going to fix the “illegal alien” issue…by the way hate that word set…they are freaking people too! Sure they get advantages I think they shouldn’t get as non citizens but I feel there are more people out there who are citizens who do the same thing and oh by the way they don’t work at all because they are lazy! Everyone out there wants to tell me there is one thing wrong here and there, well sister/brother there is A LOT wrong out there. Tell me your solutions.

You are right…it may not be what will win when it comes to the presidency but all I want is a good, honest candidate! I want what ever we put into office to stand for what we voted them in for! Not because someone told me that “this candidate is the best!”

So a few things I think the people cry out for as the time to vote approaches:

To the media:
- Show me some equal face time, and try to be middle of the road so I can see the candidates for who they really are!

To the Candidates:
- Show me the facts. Give me the real answers whether they are popular or not!
- Educate me as a voter.

To the extreme Liberals and Conservatives:
- give me the facts of your party only and not the other, let me decide which is more ethical and most closely follow my beliefs. An election based off lies or twisted truths is one that will cause country division over and over…aren’t you not tired of this yet?
- Demonstrate the passion in what you believe by living your beliefs and not downgrading someone because they believe different…you are too old for me to tell you this but “name calling” and “tattletales” are just childish and petty.

*if you follow this, I will promise this as a voter*
- We will be better prepared and we will elect the right candidate
- We will respect the presidency and government a whole lot more
- We will be better educated! And changes will get made!

“Honesty may not be the popular approach, but it is the proper one.”

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The End of an Era

Hello and good evening to all that read this blog (which is Amber, Kevin, Garret, Chris and possibly Ray)

Something that i have often considered was a change in style for me. Now for those of you that have known me for an extreme amount of time know that i have had the same hair cut for my ENTIRE life! Well...due to the persuading quite a few friends i have made a change and well...i figured i would post a pic. Well i tried about 1 million times to take a photo of it, and couldn't get a good photo so the closest thing i have is this i hate the world i don't hate the world...and this is the best i can come up with! So this is the new photo...and i will try to actually acquire a camera and do better next time!!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

If you're going to San Fran-ciscoooooo......

So i thought i would post a small blog, which will turn into a large post i am sure because i type sometimes just to type. As usual, the normal rules of "nick's blog" apply...I post a straight post and i do not edit it. So i am just going to say it all now!!!
This weekend i spent some time in San Francisco, napa and sonomoa valley among other places with possible 4 of the coolest people on the planet. I have officially seen enough fog to last me a life time, and just to let you know unlike the sahara desert we live in here...San Fran was a balmy 70 degree average! Here are a few things i must put about the trip though...

1. In San Francisco, the weather can go from 55 to 75 and back again in a matter of an hour!

2. 100 dollar hotels in San Fran still look like rat motels....but nice rat motels!


4. go to the highest point in San Fran...and look out at the majesty....or the fog.

5. If you go to the valleys to "wine tasting" don't forget to try the cheese and most of all don't forget to taste the wine before 5pm...that's closing time!

6. $50 meat....make that $65 with a drink! You are joking right?


8. Alcohol + people = vomit!

9. even bums celebrate father's day...and....all they get for father's day is "this f'n shirt!"

10. Ric Flair...was in california! really!

11. People have no clue how to drive in california...and i know for a fact i rode with their driving teacher!!!!!

12. When applying sunscreen...apply it all over and not for what you think you are going to wear because things change and your sunscreen wont!

13. if you are at a bar...and you want alcohol after last call...and it is midnight...and you are sprinting to find some alcohol...remember this important fact....they still sell alcohol at stores till 2am...and you are sprinting for nothing!

14. Hotel rooms in pictures are smaller than they appear...testify

15. because i know amber is reading this...and i haven't said it in a while...CHOCOLATE RAIN!

16. Did you know that it is still cool to look at cells? DID YOU?

17. new friend...i hate the should too i dont care if you are from that area!!!!!

18. I am not old...and drive in movies are BITE ME!

19. Garret is the king of the Stallions!

20. and one more time for Amber....CHOCOLATE RAIN!!!!!!

- that will do for now...i plan on a part two and with more pictures :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Are we "friends" or friends?

I have been considering what to post on for my next installment of anything, and my mind had continuously drew a blank. So order to just put a post, I would like to post on reality.

Ok this is a post about just a few things that I have gathered in the last few weeks and I guess I could categorize them into the rants and raves such but I won't. I typed this in one setting and on purpose. I do not want my heart to just spill out and then edit it to make it where it hurts no ones feelings. We should speak our heart more often. So in this post, i will roam and get off on bunny trails and for that I am sorry but i think that sometimes our heart starts us one place and takes us why ask my own heart to change?

This blog post is about the pain of friendship, what friendship needs to fix, and how the love we can show a friend leads to how God works!

1. Our foundation may be great but what we build on it is never what it seems!
-What do I mean by this? I have had a conversation with a friend not to long ago (and if they are reading this...sorry to air this out) and we both realized that sometimes friends aren't always where we thought they were with us. Our life is made up of many different aspects from our relationship with in my case Christ to our friends, family, everyday life, and work and sometimes we do put our faith in other people. Is anything what we actually believe it is? I really struggle with what the term "friend" means and wonder if it is as watered down if not more watered down than the word "love." Let us just say this has not been a good few weeks in the old friends department and this is not meant to be depressing but truth to light...sometimes those who you think would stick by you or care for you are those who are dogging you and breaking your spirit behind you!
---The quick fix: I have spent my week praying about this. We are all guilty of a little behind the back badgering and if you say you don't...think again! If you are one of my friends, I have heard you belittle someone somewhere on a multiple basis so you are as guilty of it as I am. I am calling those out there who actually care about the people around them to examine yourself some. Before you start bashing or making your comment about a person, take a second and remember what it feels like to hear those words of negativity yourself. Now I am also calling you same people to stand up for your friends or for people that may be getting belittled. If not for anyone else but me...If you catch me in this, I encourage you to offer me a quick reminder about that. Guys & Gals we are called to love Jesus and love our neighbors. Accept them for who they are for it is not our jobs to judge any of their faults.
---On the other note: Something else that needs to be brought into your new found kindness is another understanding from the other end. People need to understand that when you are nice to someone or just changed your tune with another ...that it is Christ's love shinning through. This next part is for those out there who assume someone is being nice because they have a "thing" for that person or on the other side of the looking glass...people who take nice-ness from others as the person having a crush or the person being of ultimate interest - - - You need to quit over assuming! Though it is not common for you to see someone showing honesty and compassion to you, you should not take it for granted. Kindness comes from those who are offering love to people in order to work you in a position where you would show an equal friendship love to others. NOWWWWW think for a minute...if everybody did this would we be a society filled with jerks and people out for foolish gain? I know what you are saying, but Nick I am one person so if i did it I may affect one person ...blah blah blah my idea of compassion wont make a difference...blah blah blah. the pastor of a church said a couple weeks ago...It was a 6th grade teacher that led a young man to Christ, who led another to Christ, who lead another to Christ, who led another to Christ, who led Billy Graham to Christ...Love is contageous! That is how God works. He created love so that when shared could be this amazing bond of people as well as an amazing bond between us and Him.

So in summary...
1. Try becoming a friend to the people you already call "friends."
2. Remember the heart of another when you speak about them and no one is around.
3. Take the love shown to you at face value...a friend reaching out in compassion to a friend
4. Most important, know whether you show love or not...what you do or say or how you treat a person today could affect future generations. Set the heart right and love people and somewhere down the road you may see the next great person.

Thanks for reading my thoughts

Friday, May 23, 2008

Rants quod raves per a verus idiot secui duos

That, for those who don't know, is latin for rants and raves by a true idiot...part two! Just to make my blog a little more current, i decided to post some more random thoughts by the legend that is Nick!

1. Lance Berkman is a freak. The guy is considered to be in a slump when he is 1 for his last 10 at bats...just about every player in the league not named chipper jones has had at least 3 segments like that or a segment that is even longer! SO how does he answer...3 for 5 with two doubles! If he doesn't win MVP this is rigged!

2. Movies today are too obsessed with explosions and "jittery" action scenes where you can't even see the fights! Come on hollywood this is one time when i say you should go back in time and learn from the older movies just a little!

3. Reading your bible and praying can not help your singing even if you are doing it where no one can hear it...You can still hear it and I SOUND AWFUL

4. No doubt about it, the Kevin burger should be on every menu in america!

5. And while on the subject of food....check out the amberbama blog on chicken recipes...i have not found one yet that doesnt taste like gold!!!

6. I am going to learn latin and that excites me!

7. I can not stand being "set-up" about an empty feeling after a failure...whew

8. I do not think there is anything better in life than watching a stros game with bowl of gumbo...i just dont think there is!

9. I find myself amazed at how God can tailor a book for individual studies to my immediate life...of course i find it amazing that God does what he does for us in the first place.

10. I have said it before and i will say it matter how you slice it...a salad is still a salad ...boring and tasteless!

11. Abby (kevin's dog) has an endless supply of snot that you will surely be wearing on any visit to casa de kevin....just get used to it!

12. weight gain and loss is like the lottery...sure you think you got the winning numbers but what you really have is a useless piece of paper!!!!

13. How many people just read that and said...WHAT!?!

14. What is up with work actually expecting us to work...i mean are you freaking kidding me?????

15. If you dont pay the IRS they WILL get do not have some super powers that they cant see you or a way of manipulation ...You will get busted and you will be like wesley snipes...a prisioners love slave!

16. Sleep is not over rated...not by any stretch of the imagination

17. Golf hates me...i must accept that

18. and for that matter so does just about every other sport!!!

19. I'm if you got a rant...POST it to my comments...i love a good one!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The 1st Week

I feel the need to reveal to my friends and family of my week.
As those of you that have read in my previous blogs know of a struggle that I have had, it has been a bit rough on me for sometime now. Well, this is what I feel to be a turning point week for me. I started a new study on great lives in the Bible, and I tell you what it just seems that every single day since i started this book i have been amazed. Every day, my study had almost directly related with that day or with a struggle that i have dealt with. It amazes me how God can do what He does on a daily basis and still we question Him. This blog is sweet, short and to the point. God is good, all the time.....All the time, God is good!!!
We all struggle, but as for the night and this week I have considered myself on my knees before the thrown of the almighty God.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Struggle

I have decided to do a little random thing here, for the first time on my blog and since i am sure it is only viewed by maybe 4 to 8 will be quick!

I have had the same song lyric in my head now for well over 5 hours, and not only am i not tired of it, BUT every time I sing it...It makes me think deeper!
-"Must be some mistake, 'cause I'm not worth the price that you paid."
You know, I get on here often and say I feel i am extremely far from God, and I wonder why I make it so difficult. Lately, I have found myself at my friends house, and talking to assorted people and so completely lost. Yes, I am sure that there are many jokes or people here we go, but it really is a dedicated struggle. It is My struggle. Lately I have felt so completely worthless and I can convince myself that I am of any worth what so ever. In my mind, I look for a way out, and before someone says...oh my gosh suicide...NOT A CHANCE that is not even where I am going, and if you knew me in anyway you would know that all the way. I do not know how to put it into words what I feel missing, but in a way I can almost feel a friend of mine telling me that it is a struggle we all face in life. Why do such things mean nothing to anyone in the greater scheme of things?
-"But I can hear them still, as the whispers laced with hatred fill this room."
Another line from this song, one of so many and of course i will post the entire lyrics at the end of this piece so you can see, it is an extremely powerful song. One that I can't believe yet it speaks my mind and makes me think so much. Right now, I feel so dirty. I told a friend of mine, I don't truly love anything about myself at this moment, and he said we all feel that way but I truly feel this is beyond the norm. God, I really need You...That is my constant speech, but I feel He can't hear me in anyway...I know He does, but when you hit that place of complete loneliness inside, you are at a loss. My best friend pointed that out to me today, something that I have noticed about myself. When my jokes come in higher numbers, or when my insults (friendly of course) or when i lash out in the dumbest of moments, that is when I am reaching a point of total loss. I have hidden these feelings, and well i must say...I don't see any light. I look ahead of me, and see nothing. I look behind me and see opportunities lost. I feel at times that God has seen something good in me, yet I pick that apart. I truly have the best friends in the world, but I just feel alone. This is not a dating thing, this is me in a in depth struggle to find myself in God. I will say this, as I conclude something that I am sure that has bored all 4 of my readers to tears...I feel completely beneath every person on the planet right now... Unworthy not only of my family, but my friends, of just about any woman, and most important, my God and King.
- "Guess I'm wasting my time, How could you love a man like me?"

"My Struggle" - Seventh Day Slumber (Picking up the Pieces)
Must be some mistake
'Cause I'm not worth the price you paid.
With every passing hour
I convince myself that you saw something in me.
But I can hear them still,
As the whispers laced with hatred fill the room.
Guess I'm wasting my time
How could you love a man like me?

Lord I need your strength
'Cause I am weak and falling to my knees.
Who is on my side?
'Cause I can't tell my friends from enemies.
Filling up with pain.
Bitterness controls the air I breathe.
What am I fighting for?
Do you have a plan for me?

Must be some mistake
'Cause I'm not worth the price you paid.
With every passing hour,
I convince myself that you saw something in me.
But I can hear them still,
As the whispers laced with hatred fill the room.
Guess I'm wasting my time
How could you love a man like me?

Must be some mistake.
'Cause I'm not worth the price you paid.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Are we starting over?

I know it has been since extreme late February since I have last posted, and with good reason! I had a rough month of March for the diet and exercise program. Now although I did not gain any weight, I did not make any ground on my ultimate long term goal of 100 lbs. This would be a sign for discouragement and disappointment except we are now in April and it is a new game! Being down 31 lbs going into march, I was poised to take command and fly down to my first set goal of 50 but during the month of March, Tax season hit me hard. School projects came due, and well i lost my focus for a month.

So where am I at now? Are we starting over?

The answer is no! To start over means that I had to have quit. That is something that i did not do. We take our first jump into April, and i am already back to being a "loser" again. Weighing in for two straight days at a loss of 36.5 lbs for the year means that in a mere 13 days of march that i have lost 5.5 lbs. (Just for reference, i weighed in at a loss almost exactly 31 lbs at the end of March, Thus the not gaining or losing during that month) I am back to walking 18 holes of golf every weekend and that is a good calorie burner in its own right as well as basketball with the guys so I have a few more realizations to add to my list:

1. If you are fare to pale skinned, 4 hours of golf = MAJOR SUNBURN

2. According to the law of physics, when eating chicken for more than a couple of weeks...It loses its taste! (sad i know)

3. I looked for loop holes, but no where in those loop holes is there a place in a diet for Mexican food!

4. one more thing on sunburns that i forgot to mention...Major Sunburns = No Sleep

5. (non weight issue but it has to be mentioned) When needing help with your taxes, It is a must to wait till the last week of tax season and then expect them to be done! Obviously your return is the top most priority and i should stop everything i am doing to do yours! (complete sarcasm)

Anywho...That is the update! 36.5 - - pushing for 50 by the california trip in June... Will it happen? Will he make it??? Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Keep on Rollin' ...................................

Well it comes down to the final amount of time. Much I am sure to the delight of all those who have been dying to know, my birthday is the deadline for my first diet goal. So I have to tell it in order to maintain my honesty about the diet. The goal: 50 lbs from January 2nd to March 11th! Here it is February 24th, and well I have to say it is looking very bleak. So I need the joint effort of those around me to help achieve my goal. As of February 22nd, I weighed in at a loss of 31.5 lbs which puts me at only 18.5 lbs below my goal. I need to lose that weight in 18 days (18 because I didn’t weigh myself on Saturday) I am confident that I can pull out this miracle, but I wanted to point out that we are making it. I have only found one problem with all this weight loss, my golf game suffers a ton due to the fact I tailored my game around what I was and now that I swing faster and with more power and such, it just won’t adjust. However, wish me luck and Kevin…do not insult my golf game or lack there of.

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Politics of "Giants" vs. "Patriots"

Those of you who are in hot dreams about super Tuesday allow me to take a minute and dump some ice down your shirt…Super Sunday spells it all. As I partake in the embarrassment of the Media proclaiming Democrats as champions long before the white house is won, I am reminded of another bunch of media idiots who dared to make such a bold predictions…this dedication goes out to ESPN, FOX Sports, CNN, Sports Illustrated and any sports journalism out there in the world…one headline…The New York Giants says eat crap and die! I grew so tired of the Patriot hype that I was forced to cheer for the Giants on Sunday. Now don’t get me wrong, I like Eli Manning, and who shouldn’t. The guy only goes out and plays accepting more blame and having more critics than any other player in the NFL while Playgirl model Tom Brady could do no wrong. I mean there was less than 3 minutes left and the announcers were like no way, this one is over as so the media was saying as well. Yet with 30 seconds left on the clock, people were like…It is still Tom Brady’s game to lose and he is the greatest and he can get the job done. Well for one night, I was a Giant’s fan, and I am thankful for what they have done.
So what am I going on about? Well the thing is, I am a little fed up with this “Democratic” politics that goes on in the media. I have never professed to be republican or democrat, but I am far from in love with what I am seeing. I have had friends basically call me a fool for not being a democrat/republican or being so closed minded to anything but the democratic ticket or republican ticket that it makes me sick. Here is something for all of you friends out there who find me a fool…I will always vote on my morals, I will always vote my heart, and I will NEVER vote straight ticket. I will never be a democrat, and I will never be a republican. Call me a fool for actually wanting to know the issues and the standards of a man or woman who is running for the sake of my area. Call me a fool for believing in those “Giants.” Look here is the thing, to those out there who vote how you do, good for you I guess but the thing is…Do not call me a fool for voting my heart and my morals. Do not call me a fool for supporting or opposing the war. Do not call me a fool for wanting universal health care or leaving the system the way it is. Why? It is freedom of beliefs and opinions that inspired this nation to be founded. It is my freedom to vote how I choose. If you ask me, by calling me a fool for doing what is in my rights to do, you are being the fool. Whether you are democrat or republican or independent, you have the right to vote how you feel. No one should be a fool for their beliefs. No one should be a fool because they don’t agree with democrats or republicans.
In conclusion, fools, Do not degrade me for what I believe. The Patriots did not win last night, they are no longer perfect. You can tell your media happy liberal markets that I said divide the coverage equally and give people the option to choose. Most important, remember…The game isn’t over because of what the media outlets tell you, and they do NOT speak for an entire nation but only their own self righteous needs. You research, vote your heart and stand behind what you believe. However, before you get your gloats in republicans, I say tell ole Rush to have another hamburger, and tell Sean Hanniiidont care what his last name is to shut up. I mean really you are more annoying than most democrats. It will be a cold day in the place of death before I will accept their moronic idealisms on how they are right all the time. Left, Right…Grow up…your way is not the only way. Only one thing will EVER be absolute and that is God, and He is still on His throne…Deal with it!

Monday, January 28, 2008

On a "Lite" note...

The diet continues, and as my crankier side I have a few more tidbits of joy for those of you out there who are out for self improvement…It is not easy! Let me set the record straight on a few things, there are no such things as miracle diets and drugs that will overall help you blow fat out of your body like Brad blows through hotdogs! If you go into things believing that all will be fantastic in a few days or envision your self going into a diet or workout program thinking I will be perfect in 3 weeks…YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. I think I can safely say that 100% of failure comes from people thinking that you can rebuild your body in a matter of weeks. If that were true, then no one would have self discipline. I mean think about it, If you could eat all the pizza, pasta, and Mexican food you wanted knowing you could lose the weight in 2 to 3 weeks…no one would live past 30! Heart Attacks would be at an alarming rate (as if they aren’t already) and people would suffer from high blood pressure starting at 16!

So why do I come on here and complain? Well the biggest reason is to just blow off some steam. This has been a tough week with me losing Kevin for the week, I felt that I may have not pushed myself enough. Work is increasing at an alarming rate because it is tax season and we shall not forget school began 2 weeks ago. Welcome to the threshold. This is the toughest thing about a diet, is getting back on the weight bench or the treadmill when things get hard. There is no sugar coating, and no compromising. I have drawn on the strengths I have to make it through now and reach the ultimate prize. Now I see you are all saying “wow, this guy needs to get ahold of himself, and quit crying and just do it!” I say to all of you, handle your things in your own way, but let me be! I would like to take this moment in my blog to thank an inner circle of people who make this all worth it…

1. My Mom – In my dedication to lose weight she has stood behind me and done me one better - - She started to quit smoking the same day I did. Do you want any more motivation than that? She has smoked since she was 13, and according to her calendar that is 8 years now….according to the worlds calendar that is 43 years!!! Yesterday, as I spent the day with her and my dad I watched her close…she had 4 cigarettes!!! To tell you how amazing that is, I used to call my mom “Two-Pac” (Tupac pun). That is extreme motivation!
2. My Dad – He too is on a goal of his own, to live long enough to see his grand kids grow up…he hits the treadmill daily trying to make his life better. Asking me daily and if he catches me breaking my diet he takes whatever I got from me. (And honestly that hasn’t been often)
3. Kevin E. – He could do all his stuff on his own, and has more than an ability to lose weight when he so chooses. He included me in, and I know he won’t say it out loud but I know it is because he cares enough as a friend to help me through all of this. He wants me to be healthy just as much as I do! That is a true friend!
4. Garret H. - I have yet to have a day in this diet where I haven’t heard from Garret. I have not heard one negative word from him and he kills me with encouragement. He is nosy about what I eat and do, and if I didn’t feel like I had to account to him on a daily basis, I don’t think I would have worked as hard at this. Another True Friend!
5. Jeff F. – I know what some of you are saying, and that is Jeff? Jeff has been around though all of this and making sure I know that what I am doing is difficult and rewarding.
6. The rest of my friends – For their encouragement when I need it…we are still going…
7. Jesus – What would be a list without listing the one true King. I listed Jesus last because i want His noting to be the last one read so it sticks to your thoughts. There have been many nights I have laid in my bed and just asked him why I have to be like I am. There have been many times where I have got angry because of what I have done to myself…and you know what? He has been more than big enough to listen. Where my friends get to hear all the greatness of it all, Jesus gets to see the ugly side of me. He has been as much a savior as He has been my rock! People pay compliments for what God does on a daily basis, but allow me to pay a compliment for something He hasn’t done…He has not given me the easy way out. Through all of this, He is on his throne and everytime I feel like giving up, He gives me just what I need to continue. You want a diet partner, you want a partner for live, someone who can take you beyond anything you could ever imagine…You should give Him a call! I never say it enough, but I want You to know Jesus that I am grateful for all you have done, are doing, and will continue to do! No matter how far I must walk into the fire!!!!!

So I conclude this blog with something I am sure you all are wanting to know if you know me…How Much? Well I had my weigh in on Friday, Jan 25th and that was the official 24th day of our diet/exercise and I officially am down 20 lbs. I have so many great friends, and so much motivation…I have been asked if I am going to stick with this…my answer…I am sure I will!

(On a side note, if I lose over 100lbs, Kevin said he would let me put up one of those billboards that says I am his weight loss hero and he would take the picture…that ought to be funny…right?)

Monday, January 7, 2008

"Weighing" in on an important matter

New Year's Resolutions sometimes seem unrealistic. The ones such as "I'm going to quit smoking" or "This year I am going to lose weight and work out more" just seem like too much to reach for. I have always hated when people make these "resolutions" because are not going to do it.

So in keeping with the tradition of doing things i really hate, I give you my New Year's Resolution. As all my friends know, I have decided to lose weight. So as i venture into day 5 of this horrid idea, I have drawn a few conclusions:

1. Kevin is the Devil. He told me he was "going to take me to hell and back", well let me tell you I think he drove the bus to hell and then LEFT ME BEHIND!
2. No matter how you spice it...A Salad is still a Salad....BLAND
3. If you have not worked out in oh lets say 13 or so years, do not try to lift about 80% of the max of what you can do in 3 reps of 10
4. Ben Gay & Sportscream as well as Mineral Ice do not help...neither does any other pain releiver!
5. There is always the fattest guy in the room. If you look around and don't see him...well that is because i am in the bathroom puking my guts up from running!
6. Since I have not mentioned it in a few minutes, Kevin sucks!
7. Jerad from Subway is a lying crack one can tolerate subway 3 times a day everyday for over a year...just not possible!!!!
8. Right now, I would kill for some chips and hot sauce
9. You can not loose 50 lbs in 5 days like I was once told by a magical unicorn when i was at hogwarts a few weeks back
10. I still don't understand why God won't program us to be healthy even when we are fat...and make all those who are skinny ..unhealthy till they get fat. (No offense to my skinny friends out there...)
11. No matter how much i pay him, Kevin won't let me He still sucks!
12. The saying "I am going to lose weight or it will kill me" may just come true and you are all invited to my funeral.

And to recap a few other false myths: When you wish apon a star, dreams do NOT come true! If you believe in yourself, you can achieve miracles...HAHAHA, and finally God helps those who help themselves...Well that is a crap lie anyway!!! Any Questions feel free to contact the devil at his website...he may also be named the trailer guru~!