Sunday, April 13, 2008

Are we starting over?

I know it has been since extreme late February since I have last posted, and with good reason! I had a rough month of March for the diet and exercise program. Now although I did not gain any weight, I did not make any ground on my ultimate long term goal of 100 lbs. This would be a sign for discouragement and disappointment except we are now in April and it is a new game! Being down 31 lbs going into march, I was poised to take command and fly down to my first set goal of 50 but during the month of March, Tax season hit me hard. School projects came due, and well i lost my focus for a month.

So where am I at now? Are we starting over?

The answer is no! To start over means that I had to have quit. That is something that i did not do. We take our first jump into April, and i am already back to being a "loser" again. Weighing in for two straight days at a loss of 36.5 lbs for the year means that in a mere 13 days of march that i have lost 5.5 lbs. (Just for reference, i weighed in at a loss almost exactly 31 lbs at the end of March, Thus the not gaining or losing during that month) I am back to walking 18 holes of golf every weekend and that is a good calorie burner in its own right as well as basketball with the guys so I have a few more realizations to add to my list:

1. If you are fare to pale skinned, 4 hours of golf = MAJOR SUNBURN

2. According to the law of physics, when eating chicken for more than a couple of weeks...It loses its taste! (sad i know)

3. I looked for loop holes, but no where in those loop holes is there a place in a diet for Mexican food!

4. one more thing on sunburns that i forgot to mention...Major Sunburns = No Sleep

5. (non weight issue but it has to be mentioned) When needing help with your taxes, It is a must to wait till the last week of tax season and then expect them to be done! Obviously your return is the top most priority and i should stop everything i am doing to do yours! (complete sarcasm)

Anywho...That is the update! 36.5 - - pushing for 50 by the california trip in June... Will it happen? Will he make it??? Stay tuned!

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