Finish that line and you will be singing the same song that 2000 lucky people will be singing this weekend. Yes I know it wont be the same without the main 4 attending, but hey...It is the Office, it is Scranton , Pa. and most important...I would rather be there this weekend!!!! Although i do feel it is sad that this town, which till the airing of this show apparently was considered for lack of better words "Pathetic", is taking advantage to make money but i guess that is the American way. ANYWHO....here is just a few things to note...
Here is what i see as just an image of what it could be like:
Here is the official site:
and of course...The article that led me to this:
Chalk this one up to another win for the American way of life...now where is me a terrorist to kill!
Hmmmm...maybe I'll skip out on Austin this weekend and head up there. Amber, I can't go visit, I have to..uhhhh...wash my hair?
They ought to get a cake. It could say "Best Wishes Suzanne", and underneath that, "We Will Miss You."
Kevin: No.
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