It is time for a real candidate. I think we all agree that we are tired of these rich, old white guys who really have no idea what it is like for a working class individual. That goes for democrats and republicans alike. Both of these so called "champions of the people" are retarded if they honestly think that we believe that they are in Washington D.C. to do what is best for us. It is time for America to stand up and demand something new, something fresh, something...Ridiculous! I have assembled a crack staff of "blue collared" Americans with different beliefs and ideologies which will allow us to see the world from every different aspect. We are not rich, we are not supported by our daddy's or Mommy's trust funds...we are the men and women who worked our butts off to make our way in life and we want to do the same for the American people. As a nation we should be tired of hearing the excuses doctors make up for our children not succeeding and we need to start taking charge to make sure they do. It is up to each and everyone of us to make the USA a much better place. We need someone who can do that, someone who wants that. That is why, as stated in my Communications Director's Blog, I am announcing my candidacy for the President of the United States. We are tired of excuses, we are tired of lies. We are tired of paying taxes so my neighbors don't have to work. The US will no longer take welfare laziness lying down. The government shouldn't take lightly the fact that a large percent of Americans do not have health care. Without last names (for their protection) let me tell you who i plan to have on my staff:
Vice President - Garret
Chief of Staff - Kevin E.
Deputy Chief of staff - Seth
Communications Director - Amber
Deputy Comm. Director - Clifton
Press Secretary - Vic
Defense Counsel - Paul
It is time for a change. Time for something different. Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for something that you can actually believe in. We want to hear your issues. Candidates should be able to answer your questions without trying to spin it or beat around the bush or just plain avoid the question. If we do not like something, we will tell you. There is no need to lie about it. So let our voices be heard as we cry out for President Nick in 2024! God bless you and God bless the United States!
*Feel free to post your comments and issues you want us to consider*
The four day weekend will be the first thing I recommend we do. I mean who honestly needs to work five/six days a week???
Agreed, that is one of the hot buttons on our agenda!
I'd love to join you, but I'm too busy living off my trust fund, being an uptown, white-collar, intercontinental playgirl, wearing pearls and a pastel sheath dress (a la Jackie O.) with complimentary-colored cardigan, perfecting my "sour face" Condoleezza look, and sipping wine that cost more than your car. In the Hamptons.
Call me when I'm going to be the Chief Justice or Secretary of State. Or VP. I mean, Garret?
Amber, i am confident in your abilities. Now i know there may be something wrong with this like a law or something, but...what about we make you the first Chief Justice /Secretary of State. You would be like the only one in history...that is a record or something! Think it over. As for Garret as VP, i think he is a good choice due to the fact that he could help me swing the California vote, but much more important......with him, i could also carry the Vidor vote. Whomever wins the Vidor electoral, wins the election!
Oh.... alright.
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