The Earth, a more or less peaceful planet has existed for many weeks now. Until recently, it has survived in harmony with others. Now, there is something that threatens the fabric of peace…the fabric of life! Last year, the dark side left our beloved nation (
In this area, the dark force knew that she needed help. She needed what we call “internet access” to find just the man to enslave. Remembering her friend Kevin worked at a mega company called Script Care, The empress stole the internet causing such pain and suffering that Kevin was forced to work instead of doing what he thinks he is paid for…probing the internet for new technology, Harry Potter updates and porn sites that wouldn’t tip off the management. The evil of the empress has struck pain in another individual and this makes her happy. The problem is Kevin’s computer held 2 important shreds of information…the name of the perfect beaten man and the whereabouts of her mortal enemies…the Fannati. Why did she hate them? “They are Worthless” she thought, “All they do is plan for their next draft and brag on some sort of pick ups…what about life, politics, religion…I must kill them all!” The Fannati are an advanced race of idiots. Their life goals rotate around their next draft pick, or some late round sleeper. They lust over ESPN even watching it in the wee hours in the morning during reruns of American Gladiators. She would need help. Sure they are worthless, but their powers are great.
Kevin arrives home a little late, beaten and tired from actually having to work for a day to find his brother on the couch eating French fries and watching the fantasy hour on ESPN. Looking up to see Kevin, Brad Frygone, Fannati master, asks what is troubling him. Abby the Wookie jolts up to meet Kevin while he describes the internet outage. All of a sudden Frygone hears a voice in his head as he senses a disturbance. “They are Miss Lords and there are always two…never more, never less. A “teacher” and a “pupil”!” Frygone gives a puzzled look and says to Kevin “there is a disturbance in the draft, I must go!” Kevin looks puzzled and stares at Brad with a perplexed look as he runs out the door. Then he glances at the TV to see Star Wars on…”Abby why do you always step on the remote?”
Later that evening Amber, A kind lovely and funny young woman (one that everyone loves), arrives at Kevin’s house to see
After leaving the house,
I. am. speechless.
I'm not sure what all of this means, but I think...um, actually not sure what I think. I've never been the star of an epic narrative before, so I'll just have to see how this ends.
Sweet picture. Good job using the picture of me in my headscarf, it's my most terrorist-tastic one.
Well this certainly was, um, how do you say...unique? Although, I am disappointed with the conspicuous absence of Qui Gonn Garret. Why has he failed to make an apperance? Your audience is not amused.
Actually Garret...Kevin had the first idea on your Character...you may want to talk to him about it!
Kevin had been hounding me to make a blog entry that was totally opposite of what i have been writing...so he is kinda to blame on this...
Qui Gonn Garret has failed to make an appearance in SE Texas since the Empress has returned to the U.S., anyway. But he did pay her a visit in Hungary (WORLDWIDE MOTHERSHIP of the beaten-down, by the way, Nick), which might mean he is a conspirator.
Amber...Please do not divulge aspects of future writings...i dont want one of those "harry potter" style conspiracies. Besides...if people knew what was coming..they wouldnt read!...ok and dont take this comment as a mean response...i wouldnt want to die at the hands of the Empress!!!!!!
By the way, if some potential employer finds this (though I googled it and didn't find it), I'll kill you.
Ummm...that is Kevin's department...see him when it comes to that part of the agreement!
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