Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I'm dreaming of some kind of Christmas...
Do you know what this does to human society, it gives them another reason to increase their hatred of their fellow man/woman/beast and we have things such as Michael Vick! By being cheap and “making” your gifts you are not showing love, you are being cheap and insane all the while your “cool” friends are buying you actual gifts…great job bone head. Here are just a few items however that I would like to see on the market by no later than next Christmas so that I can finally get something real for Christmas instead of some made up piece of crap…
1. George W. Bush vocabulary board game – Hours of fun as you attempt to pick through something he said in order to determine what the word actually means or if it exists. (Good for up to 8 players)
2. Smarter than a Med-student – why should I waste my time and ego on something as simple as being smarter than a 5th grader when I can have all the joy and fun of being as smart as some idiot who decided to go to school for an extra 10 or so years and rack up a million dollars in student loans. Then they can be sued by some trailer park trash of a person who overdosed on their meds while watching cops to see which family members are coming to Christmas and which ones who will need care packages.
3. Windows Vista repair kit – (AKA a stick of dynamite) do I need to explain this, because if I do then I need to do it after I reboot my computer for the 10th time today thanks to the wonderful world of vista!
4. Pop-up, spam mail return to sender device – this device, once connected to your computer…if you get a pop up or an email that you are so tired of getting, well this device will send a message back to the senders computer or the pop up starters computer a million times over…that will teach them bastards…oh well all except the one person who has a billion euros he is trying to give me, that guy/girl is cool!!!
5. “How to get a foreign grant and take advantage of the USA” by Akeel Fransisco Akezzilymaniariay – Enough Said!
6. The White Trash/Black Gangsta Car enhancement kit – Why ride in a vehicle that is normal and gets good gas mileage and doesn’t scrape when I go over a bump when I can put spinners on my wheels to distract other drivers, paint my car some awful color and install the latest speakers into my car so I can go deaf in a matter of days. I mean come on my music is so good that everyone inside a square mile should be able to enjoy it. Besides, when Kenny chesnesy (or however you spell his name) and Snoop dogg get together to make a CD I want to be able to blare that “Crap” so loud that not only will it suck for all around, but it will cause a rise in the suicide rate! (Follow me people on the “crap” it is when you take country music and mix it with rap music…two completely useless genres of music wrapped into one fantastic piece of …..) ALSO…my car will need to do as much useful crap as possible, such as light up underneath so everyone can see that I am on the street, and hop up and down just in case I need to stir up my chocolate milk and I don’t have a spoon handy!!!
Well…that is what I think will make my Christmas a wonderful one…so whoever is the king of inventions out there, get on this as fast as possible…I mean there is not much time till the 2008 Christmas commercials start (I think sometime in March) and we want these to be out on market!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Golden Triangle Survey for Extra Credit
Interviewer ID: ____________________________________
Ask Survey Participant these questions or have Participant fill out completely:
Gender: M F [circle one] Age: __________ Years Zip Code:____________
Ethnicity [circle one]: African-American Asian Hispanic White Other
Marital Status: Single Married Number of children: 0 1 2 3 4 or more
In which area do you live? [circle one]:
Beaumont Port Arthur Nederland Port Neches Orange Vidor Groves None of these
How long have you lived in Golden Triangle area:
Less than 5 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 14-19 years 20 years or more
Your highest level of education:
Grade 6 or below Grades 7 – 11 High School Diploma Associate’s Degree Bachelors Degree or higher
Total household income:
Less than $25,000 $25,000-$50,000 $50,001-$75,000 over $75,000
Do you belong to any environmental organization(s)? Yes No Organization Name__________________
Do you watch, listen to, or read the News? Yes No
Number of hours spent daily on this ____________
For questions 1 through 14 below, use the following scale to indicate next to the question on the designated line your level of agreement or disagreement:
1 Strongly Agree
2 Agree
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree
4 Disagree
5 Strongly disagree
1. _______I am concerned about pollution created by the petrochemical industry in the Golden Triangle Area.
2. _______Air and water pollution in the Golden Triangle is affecting my health or my family’s health.
3._______ It is less healthy to live in the Golden Triangle than in other parts of Texas or Louisiana.
4._______ There is an increase in the number of cancer diagnoses and cancer related deaths in the area as a result of chemical toxins emitted by the petrochemical companies in the area.
5.________ Health care costs in the Golden Triangle are higher because of pollution.
6.________ Residents of the Golden Triangle have shorter lives because of pollution.
7. ________ Property values are lower in the Golden Triangle because of pollution.
8. ________ Companies in the Golden Triangle are more likely to build heavily polluting facilities near poor
neighborhoods than near middle-class or wealthy neighborhoods.
9. ________Companies in the Golden Triangle are more likely to build heavily polluting facilities near
predominantly African-American neighborhoods than near predominantly white[Anglo] neighborhoods.
10. ________Companies in the Golden Triangle are more likely to build heavily polluting facilities near
predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods than near predominantly white [Anglo] neighborhoods.
11.________ In general, manufacturers and refiners in the Golden Triangle do not do much about pollution created by their plants.
12. _______ Petrochemical companies in Golden Triangle, as a group, are very concerned about the environment in the Golden Triangle.
13._______ The economic benefits brought by petrochemical companies to the Golden Triangle far outweigh the costs of their locating here.
14._______ The new plants being built by petrochemical companies such as Motiva and Valero in the Golden Triangle area are good news, as they create more jobs, even though it might harm the environment.
15. I work for one of the following Golden Triangle area companies [circle one]:
Chevron/Phillips ExxonMobil Huntsman Motiva Valero DuPont None
16. A member of my immediate family works for one of the following Golden Triangle area companies:
Chevron/Phillips ExxonMobil Huntsman Motiva Valero DuPont None
17. In my opinion, of the 6 companies below, the one circled shows the greatest concern for the environment:
Chevron/Phillips ExxonMobil Huntsman Motiva Valero DuPont No Idea
18. In my opinion, the company circled below shows the least concern for the environment:
Chevron/Phillips ExxonMobil Huntsman Motiva Valero DuPont No Idea
19. In my opinion, the company circled below spends the most to reduce pollution:
Chevron/Phillips ExxonMobil Huntsman Motiva Valero DuPont No Idea
20. In my opinion, the company circled below spends the least to reduce pollution:
Chevron/Phillips ExxonMobil Huntsman Motiva Valero DuPont No Idea
Thank you very much for your participat
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ain't no party like a Scranton party cause...

Sunday, October 14, 2007
A change that we can finally believe in

It is time for a real candidate. I think we all agree that we are tired of these rich, old white guys who really have no idea what it is like for a working class individual. That goes for democrats and republicans alike. Both of these so called "champions of the people" are retarded if they honestly think that we believe that they are in Washington D.C. to do what is best for us. It is time for America to stand up and demand something new, something fresh, something...Ridiculous! I have assembled a crack staff of "blue collared" Americans with different beliefs and ideologies which will allow us to see the world from every different aspect. We are not rich, we are not supported by our daddy's or Mommy's trust funds...we are the men and women who worked our butts off to make our way in life and we want to do the same for the American people. As a nation we should be tired of hearing the excuses doctors make up for our children not succeeding and we need to start taking charge to make sure they do. It is up to each and everyone of us to make the USA a much better place. We need someone who can do that, someone who wants that. That is why, as stated in my Communications Director's Blog, I am announcing my candidacy for the President of the United States. We are tired of excuses, we are tired of lies. We are tired of paying taxes so my neighbors don't have to work. The US will no longer take welfare laziness lying down. The government shouldn't take lightly the fact that a large percent of Americans do not have health care. Without last names (for their protection) let me tell you who i plan to have on my staff:
Vice President - Garret
Chief of Staff - Kevin E.
Deputy Chief of staff - Seth
Communications Director - Amber
Deputy Comm. Director - Clifton
Press Secretary - Vic
Defense Counsel - Paul
It is time for a change. Time for something different. Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for something that you can actually believe in. We want to hear your issues. Candidates should be able to answer your questions without trying to spin it or beat around the bush or just plain avoid the question. If we do not like something, we will tell you. There is no need to lie about it. So let our voices be heard as we cry out for President Nick in 2024! God bless you and God bless the United States!
*Feel free to post your comments and issues you want us to consider*
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Literary Laziness
Papirus Cutularias – The wicked paper cut, most likely would be among of the unmentionable curses
Hemroidia – Talk about a pain in the butt!
Mintia Brethicus – How many people should you have to talk to with bad breath? The answer is NONE!
Baith Washoi – that goes double for those who don’t wear deodorant!
Slicionly – Makes you slice every single golf shot you take – that curse is with me already and it an annoying one!
Hookati – If you make me slice, I give you the golf hook
PMS Reversio – Reverses the attitude effects of PMS. Now she will be extra nice.
Phonias Dropical – An annoying curse that drops every phone call you get after the first 5 words are spoken
Boobio Expandicus – Kevin sent that one to me…you figure it out!
Selfish Esteemian – Gives a person self esteem – I had to put this one out there for me, maybe it will work!!!!!
Pimpiolan – Puts a pimple on you’re the side of your target’s nose…where it meets the face…the painful one!!!!!
Since I am not the only one with such opinions…there has to be other spells out there. So help out a fellow Potter nerd and tell me the spells that you have encountered (also known as “created in your own sick little mind”) Post as many as you can come up with…I am interested in this wonderful topic!!!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Heart Matters Part 3: “Treasures”
So for those of you that have followed along through the first two parts, this one may sting a bit. We started of by asking the question “Why don’t we?” Then we got into the why: Idolatry and Pride leads to God letting us go and saying “If that is what you really want then you can go and chase your desires.” So now we come to what I call the hard part and that is do we really realize we have idols and pride and if we do realize it how deep is it truly ingrained in us. We will spend a good amount of time looking at transient treasures and their affects on our lives. This will be the longest part to date so let us dive in:
For this part we will need a definition of a word and thanks to I have it for you so here is the word:
1. Not lasting, enduring, or permanent; transitory
ʃənt, -ʒənt, -zi
ənt/ Pronunciation Key 2. Lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary
3. Staying only a short time
Matthew 6:19-21
Matthew is our focal passage for this lesson as we take a look at what transient goods will eventually become. In these verses, the writer wants us to not put our hearts into things that will rust or fade away or be stolen from us.
II Cor 4:16-18
This passage relates the same as of the previous passage. This passage shows us that what we have as our bodies, what we can see will eventually fade away…transient. While those things do fade however, it is our heart that can continue to grow towards our desires. Now keep in mind that thought…if our desires are of our idols then what will our heart grow too and vise versa if our hearts are in tune with God then where will we be?
Psalms 49:16-17
This passage talks about us as people not worrying about what is going on around them. Don’t worry that your neighbor’s “glory” is increasing because he has a bigger house or his car is now the newest thing out. When he dies the glory he attains here and the wealth he has attained will not go with him. (Transient)
Proverbs 23:4-6
Do not over work yourself to become wealthy because as mentioned many times before wealth is gone in the blink of an eye. We shouldn’t worry about how other people view us. The speaker made a point we are all guilty of “If you spend money on stuff you really can’t afford and actually don’t need then your treasure storage is here!”
We shouldn’t spend so much time making everything look so perfect on the outside when it really isn’t on the inside. A church, our friends, and our families should be places where we can be seen as we are. I mean if we are really in pain why hide it, if you need help we need to seek it. How many times myself as well as I am sure some of you reading has it tore you up inside because things are so bad and yet you keep them inside. This breeds more trouble and more till eventually you hit a state where you don’t care about anything…maybe even life itself. I am so guilty of that last line myself and though I know I cant change my whole world in one day, I too have made a dedication that I will work as hard as possible to let God control that part of my life and the only way I know how to do that is not being involved in my decision making process at all…figure that one out!
Luke 12:12-14
If you see a brother in need, sell something you own and fill that need. Ok now think this one through before the ruffled feathers start to kick in. The writer is not saying sell all you have and give everything till you are poor yourself. What Luke is saying is that if you have no money yourself but have possessions you can do without (And yes cable and internet, no matter how much even I believe I need them are not possessions I need) then sell them or get rid of them and help the brother in need.
This is the hardest thing we would have to accomplish as people. No one wants to give up their modern conveniences just so someone else who we feel could do better at managing their lives can eat a meal. Here is food for thought though: If the Holy Spirit tells you to give, then you give period! It is not our job to judge or monitor what they do with the money, that is the Holy Spirits job and if we follow what it directs us to do then we are storing up as Luke put it money bags that can not fade away. (Treasures in heaven) Now some of you are saying, how do I know it is the Holy Spirit? For those of us who are saved, you will know. You can not allow yourself to block the Spirit. I am as guilty as some of you in being pig headed about such things but the fact is when I don’t follow the guidance of the Spirit I am giving into the idolatry and pride of myself and saying to God I can do things on my own without His help. Now next time you decide you aren’t going to do the “right” thing because what you want to believe they will misuse your gift, think about that…when you say no to them your saying no to God, sleep well my friend!
Matthew 6:18-24
And we are back to where we started. As a college student now I have always noticed that when a teacher repeats things over and over again, it must be important and even apart of the test that is upcoming…Take a look readers! Six passages and many more in here I can assure you on the fact that we do not need to put our thoughts and beliefs in the transient things of the world because they will soon be gone. How many of you are still driving your first car you ever purchased? (That is for you older ones out there) For that matter how many of those vehicles if your still driving them is in perfect shape? There is wear and tear on those things because they are transient, they are fading away to nothingness and will be gone and then you will be back at the beginning all over again. Now I know what you are all saying “how does this solve the questions from last week?” Look a little closer, what this lesson does is show you the truth in your life. We all worry about the image as others perceive us…you’re doing it now! So yes you have something idolized in your heart right now! Your pride has blocked you from seeing it! So that means you have allowed God to pull away because you are chasing those desires. In the last verse of this passage it states you can not serve two Masters. If you love one you will hate the other and vise versa. You can not love serve both God and money, time to choose. This is a powerful passage to take in, due to the fact that it makes you feel awkward about your life to date. On the other hand it is also showing you there is that problem.
This passage has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth because as I type these words to all of you I become more and more aware of my own problems. I can not remember the last time I gave of myself for nothing more than to make someone’s life just a little less stressful. I complain because I don’t have the right shampoo because I was too lazy to go get some when I was out or when my friends don’t want to go places because they want to save a little money. I believe honestly that I am more selfish and fixed on idols than anyone I know. We do still have 3 more parts to go, and to be honest if I feel this bad going into the last few parts, where am I going to be when this is done? That is the Holy Spirit revealing to me what I need to get my life on track. Let me say that when we pray to God, he does want to know our needs but what does He want to talk about? He wants to talk about getting our lives on track with Him so we can be used for His Glory. So we can handle the things in life that feel out of our range. To store up bags of money that can not fade away. I am sure a lot of questions pop in your mind and a lot of angry emotions to what I am writing are coming out but I will leave you with a thought: It is not the Billy Grahams of the world that will make the hugest impact into the lives of those suffering around the world, it is each and every one of us who clear our hearts and set our minds on the face of God.
Part 4 is just around the corner…feel free to comment.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Episode III: The End of time
Garret-guy was soon to leave to return to School. His mind is troubled with the thoughts of what could happen when he leaves. So many things have happened over the weekend, Vic Vic’s death, Brad’s disappearance, Amber’s mysterious ways as well as many unexplained attacks. Garret-guy decided to head over to Kevin’s house to say goodbye to the group.
Amber and
Brad and Jerrad rush into the house where Nick and Kevin are watching the Astros game and start to panic. “She is trying to kill us, we need your help!” Brad says with fear in his voice. Kevin speaks up “Enough of this crap, I wont tolerate it anymore!” Kevin pulling his sword and drives it deep into the chest of Brad. Brad stunned as he drops to his knees “Why????” Brad cries. Jerrad leaps out towards Kevin and Nick holding up his hands freezes him…going to Jerrad, he slams his sword deep into his chest. Jerrad falls without even a fight. Amber bursts in “Sire, I am sorry.” She says to Kevin and Nick. “It is fine Amber, as long as the Job is done.” Nick replies. “
Brad, startled from the couch to see Kevin, there are fries all over the ground, spilled Coke and Abby is covered in Ketchup. “What the crap are you doing?” Kevin asks. “Weird dream man, you were some sort of Jedi sort of master and I was like your enemy, you killed me and Nick killed Jerrad and Britney was like the head being…It was crazy!” Brad says. “You are weird man Brad. I had a strange day today…The dang internet was out at work today so I had nothing to do.” Abby hits the remote and Star Wars is on the TV, when a knock at the door is heard…It was Amber,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Episode II: The search for Truth
Amber, Jerrad, Paul and Vic Vic walk through the parking-lot and run into Garret-guy the Yodi who is home for the week. Garret-guy the Yodi, whom is known far and wide as an old wise man, looks perplexed as he sees this group walking together. “Brad and
Brad darts out at Darth English with his French fried grease pan in hand and ready to swing. Darth laughs and steps aside to watch as Frygone slips, falls and lands flat on his face. Picking up his pan, Darth starts to smash it over and over against Frygone’s head. “Why doesn’t he bleed?” thinks Darth English. Brad’s super solid skull (which was formed the day his brain evaporated due to the inability for him to adapt to anything but sports, hot dogs, French fries and bean and cheese nachos.) is unbreakable. Darth English needed to act quickly, so he turns and grabs the remote. Changing the channel to lifetime, Brad is stunned. “Why did you turn this on?” Frygone asks. “I mean seriously there is no value to this channel I mean sure if you like such things as useless chick flicks and…” Brad began his debate. Darth English, knowing this would keep him occupied for at least an hour, leaves the house to find Nick and Kevin walking up. He is stunned “what do they know?” He thinks. “What’s up midget?” Nick asks.
Abby the wookie howls out in horror. She can no longer listen to Brads mindless rants about the Lifetime channel so she runs into Kevin’s room and hides under the bed. This mindless torture drives the wookie to the brink of suicide. After an hour or so of talking, Brad realizes he is alone. (Big Surprise to the audience) He then remembers that he sent out his friends with the Empress. Brad darts to the back, grabs his softball glove and a hot dog and sits at the TV. “I will save them after PTI is over” Brad speaks out loud…Abby howls again!
After meeting at Garret-guy’s place, Amber calls Kevin, and she is in tears. “What is wrong?” Kevin says with great concern. She can only cry, when she tries to speak you can not understand her. Then hearing Vic Vic in the back ground he realizes what is truly wrong. What kind of person would leave anyone in the company of Vic Vic…ALONE? Vic Vic is speaking to Amber about how preposterous it is for anyone to doubt his knowledge. Amber, in all her bravery screams out “Please let me Kevin!”. “NO! We will be right there, meet me back at my house.” She turns her car around and heads back to his house. (For those who don’t know, the Vic Vic clan have a tendency to be an “in your face” I’m always right kind of people. So much so that they will drive a sane person completely mad, even to the point of death.) Everyone arrives at the house to see that Brad has left and Garret-guy the Yodi offers to go to his parents to pick up some Sausage bread.
When the Yodi-rambler comes to the 4 way stop in Orangefield, Garret-guy stops and pulls over into a field. Throwing Vic Vic from the car, he yells out to him that he is tired of him being so annoying and that he is a racist! Vic Vic suddenly turns on Garret and mauls him. He beats him down to the ground, kicking him as hard as he can screaming out that he hates smart people. Garret-guy, shrieking in horror and realizing that he has no chance against Vic Vic, escapes to his car and proceeds to run over Vic Vic. Then backing up, he drives over him again and again. Vic Vic lays there lifeless. Garret-guy, bleeding from his fore head, drives off towards his parent’s house in anger. He is no sooner than a mile away when Vic Vic begins to stir. What Garret didn’t know is that the Vic Vic’s are a regenerating creature and he will hunt him down and get his revenge.
Moments later, Garret-guy the Yodi arrives back at Kevin’s house with the sausage bread and they begin to eat. “This bread smells funky” Kevin says, looking next to him and seeing Paul there eating like a man who hasn’t eaten in weeks. “Nevermind” Kevin speaks as he walks away. Garret stares intently at Amber. “What is so weird about her?” he asks himself. Could this be the one he was told about? He had heard stories about an uprising. How a leader was sent to destroy the Fannati.
Garret-guy senses a problem and begins to read the minds of the people in the room. His first attempt was on
Friday, July 6, 2007
Episode 1: Rise of the Miss

The Earth, a more or less peaceful planet has existed for many weeks now. Until recently, it has survived in harmony with others. Now, there is something that threatens the fabric of peace…the fabric of life! Last year, the dark side left our beloved nation (
In this area, the dark force knew that she needed help. She needed what we call “internet access” to find just the man to enslave. Remembering her friend Kevin worked at a mega company called Script Care, The empress stole the internet causing such pain and suffering that Kevin was forced to work instead of doing what he thinks he is paid for…probing the internet for new technology, Harry Potter updates and porn sites that wouldn’t tip off the management. The evil of the empress has struck pain in another individual and this makes her happy. The problem is Kevin’s computer held 2 important shreds of information…the name of the perfect beaten man and the whereabouts of her mortal enemies…the Fannati. Why did she hate them? “They are Worthless” she thought, “All they do is plan for their next draft and brag on some sort of pick ups…what about life, politics, religion…I must kill them all!” The Fannati are an advanced race of idiots. Their life goals rotate around their next draft pick, or some late round sleeper. They lust over ESPN even watching it in the wee hours in the morning during reruns of American Gladiators. She would need help. Sure they are worthless, but their powers are great.
Kevin arrives home a little late, beaten and tired from actually having to work for a day to find his brother on the couch eating French fries and watching the fantasy hour on ESPN. Looking up to see Kevin, Brad Frygone, Fannati master, asks what is troubling him. Abby the Wookie jolts up to meet Kevin while he describes the internet outage. All of a sudden Frygone hears a voice in his head as he senses a disturbance. “They are Miss Lords and there are always two…never more, never less. A “teacher” and a “pupil”!” Frygone gives a puzzled look and says to Kevin “there is a disturbance in the draft, I must go!” Kevin looks puzzled and stares at Brad with a perplexed look as he runs out the door. Then he glances at the TV to see Star Wars on…”Abby why do you always step on the remote?”
Later that evening Amber, A kind lovely and funny young woman (one that everyone loves), arrives at Kevin’s house to see
After leaving the house,
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Heart Matters Part 2: “Some Answers”
So when we left off last week in our little “discussion” I presented you with the question that the speaker of this series left me…”Why don’t we?” What the post from last week was stating is that there were prophets such as Paul who were willing to give everything for just a little more knowledge of the Living God! And we were asked the question again and again “Why don’t we?” Why don’t we yearn for, long for and pursue God like those prophets or like someone who is truly saved?
Ezekiel 14:1-5
So let us look at why. In this passage of Ezekiel, the people of
It starts with a desire which is not wrong or sinful. We all have desires. Some would like to have a healthy bank account or a nice house and maybe even this great job and there is nothing sinful in these desires. When these desires become Non-negotiable that is when we give birth to an idol. When we as a people start to say “Hey God, do what ever you have to do but I am not leaving my job or changing this aspect of my life” we are closing our fists to the matter. We start to give authority in our lives to these desires or now called idols.
This part started to really make me feel uneasy. I have often known that I suffer from keeping small things from God and I do believe at all times we are all guilty of such matters. I have friends that it literally tears them up as they deal with their own personal idols. In my own I struggle with job and college and of course many personal matters that even my closest friends know nothing about. I have spent so much effort on trying to get bigger (job wise) and better and I have done it all for the sake of self improvement. It is no wonder that over the last few years I have genuinely struggled with my time with God and my own belief system. We continue…
James 4:4-7
James in this passage writes about Pride. Pride is the belief that we can sustain ourselves without any outside help. That when we accomplish thing, no one helped us we did it on our own. Pay close attention in verse 6 to the words “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
Sustaining my life is something I have never tackled. I never really looked at the happiness I sometimes attain from doing something that took a long time or a great deal of effort as pride. But isn’t it? How many times in our prayers or in just general conversation with God do we thank him that our assignments went great or our project that we have been working for was the top of the line. Sure many of us ask for the help but do we offer the thanks for that help? No all too often we overlook it. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Well in my past of reading this scripture I would have looked straight at the “…gives grace to the humble.” And said yea that is what I am trying to do, isn’t it great that God does such a thing. Hello?!? I totally overlook the part that “God opposes the proud” and in my actions I am often prideful. We all are as Christians. We set our saved hides up on these pedestals that we claim we don’t do and as a friend writes in a blog we look down on somebody because they are lower classed than us. We keep ourselves in our perfect little bubble and “sustain” ourselves all the while we are suffering from pride and God isn’t answering us but waiting to discuss our pride issues? So what is to come of our actions?...
Romans 1:18-23
Read these verses carefully. Play a little game and look for a few key things. In here look for the terrorists, corporations, governments, neighbors and such as to what is to blame for these problems we speak of. Pay special attention to the verse I type:
21. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God (idolatry) nor gave thanks to him (pride), but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
This passage shows the results of our ways. When we build up idols of the heart and allow pride to consume our lives, God hardens our hearts. Now you’re saying to yourself now “why would God do such a thing?” Think about this for just a minute…is God doing this to us or are we doing this to us? In this matter God is basically telling us “If you want to focus on these things like the better house or better job and that is what makes you happy then by all means go ahead, I won’t stop you.” When our hearts become hardened we don’t understand the messages God tries to convey to each of us. This was often the case with the disciples and pharoses. They often asked questions of Jesus and he answered in parables. This often led to them having more questions because they couldn’t comprehend basic messages due to the fact that idols and pride lived inside of them…their hearts were hardened. God speaks in basic messages to us and we don’t hear him because idols are inside of us and our pride is too great.
If this doesn’t really shake your foundation a little then you could be farther gone than you thought. Even the disciples lived with issues of the heart and pride. Now this can be a huge discouragement if you allow it and I think we need to take from this a lot of disappointment in ourselves but in the same way we can take some good from it. There is no lost cause, the disciples came out of their troubles striving to seek God more. We have to open up the fist we have clinched around our desires and pride and give it to Christ. It is ok to have desires but we must keep our fists open and not close it and not allow God to change it if it is His will.
Now this leads to more questions:
- How do we know if we have idols in our heart?
- How do we recognize pride?
- How do we know if we have closed our fists so that God can not be involved in certain matters?
That is what we tackle in Part 3,4,5 and possible some in 6…I do enjoy the comments or insight or even further discussion into the matters so feel free to “type” your mind.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Heart Matters Part 1: The Question
As I start a new series on “Heart Matters” I was presented with a statement that I think as a Christian I truly do not think about when I do things not of myself. When I go out of my way for a friend or a stranger, I would like to think I do it by this statement, but do I or does anyone really do that. (I am sure some people do, I think in general I am speaking of myself) The speaker was talking of work his congregation was doing for a local school and he made this statement:
“We do not do this so that people might be saved; we do things because we are.”
How much reality is in that statement? If Christians take this attitude to work, school, home, the gas station or anywhere in life we go, what would happen? Sometimes I think we are too wrapped up in the world around us to even notice that it isn’t about politics or popularity but it is about living a life that others may truly see we are saved. So we begin with Heart Matters part 1: “The Question”.
Psalms 42:1-5 & Psalm 63:1-7
This is an often miss-viewed scripture. You often think of a beautiful deer drinking from a stream in a beautiful forest scene…and while that is cute and all the author of this text is speaking differently. This is as a deer thirsts for water, seeking it desperately or it will die, so the author also seeks God or he too shall die without Him.
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Whether he has all the great things in life or whether he has absolutely nothing…Habakkuk praises the Lord
Philippians 3:8-11
Paul states (FIRMLY) not the line of whether it is close to a gray area or keep me from going to far, he asks himself: Is this going to rob me of knowing Jesus more deeply or is this going to help me to know him more deeply. There is no gray area! There is no close to the line…I mean if you are trying to see how close you can get to that line then aren’t we actually testing God? That too is wrong! Then as if Paul, who God has shown himself too and used to deliver thousands of people to Him, asks to know God more!!! He is greedy in wanting to be close as we all should be.
A quote from a 16th century man Brother Lawrence: “I have had such delicious thoughts on God that I am ashamed to mention them.” When have we actually had such a vision of Christ? So on to the question from the speaker of the evening: “Why don’t we?”
Why don’t we live such a life that we are bothered by the fact that people don’t know about God?
Why don’t we care enough to do things not to see people saved but because we are saved?
Why is it that we are so unmoved by the lives around us that are suffering?
Why don’t we have such thoughts on God that we are moved?
The disciples needed God and to them that was enough. Now I wont offer it as an excuse but they did have the opportunity to walk and physically touch Jesus, but what we have as Christians is something I really believe to be even greater…we believe in God even though we can not reach out and physically touch him…Faith.
Why are we so hardened as people that helping someone is beneath us? Can we change this? What do you think we should do?...your thoughts because after this first teaching, I am quite sick at my stomach at the thought of me being me!!!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Softball not for the old
Kevin was 2 for 5 for the in baseball this would be good, but these are a bunch of old men tossing a watermelon sized ball to the plate and he couldnt get it into play...seriously are you kidding me? His worst error on the evening...actually showing up.
Now on to one fielded his position better. Great players hit often, and great fielders play ....only the greatest players are 1st base coaches for A SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE. WHAT!?! Yes they have 1st base coaches and clifton is so good he doesnt even start, but he manages to lead his team in telling the people on 1st how many outs there are and when the ball gets by the catcher. BAAACK!!!! He got on because the fielder made a crappy play while checking out kevin on third. His second hit was a screamer to the pitcher and with an amazing grab threw clifton out by only a step or ten. He did however make a play at the plate and in right field so props there.
Finally...Brad. Brad found it difficult to get it from second base to pitcher but soon overcame that to throw a man out at home twice. Of course his acrobatic move at second which he mooned the crowd led to a good laugh. He went 2 for 3 with a sac fly and a tremendous slide at second (he tripped over the base)
Ahh what a night...the worst part of the night was...i was so bad myself that i couldnt even get invited to be on the how bad does that make me????
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The Fan
It is time for a less intense blog. It is apparent by my previous writings, that starting a war is inevitable. So allow me the opportunity to speak out to another one of those things that really bother me...The fan.
How many of you out there are tired of those annoying jerks who claim to be fans of your sports franchise. For as long as i remember, I have been a Houston Astros, Rockets & Oilers/Texans fan as well as a Washington Redskins fan and i am that fan in spite of their woes and troubles. As any true fan, i always want to see my team succeed but rarely do. Here though is my problem, the "bandwagoner", the being that can and does ruin all sports for just about everybody that is a fan of any sport. You walk around always complaining of what could have been and even when that team is doing well, they should be better and when they are losing, you are always right. Far be it from me to deny you of your god complex and point out how you are wrong. (Oh wait that is what i am doing)
Let us take the Houston Astros for example. They are in a lovely slump where winning more than 2 straight just seems impossible. The true fan wants them to succeed, believes the talent is there and doesn't spend the rest of their days wishing they had all these past, unproductive players back. They always think there is a chance to make a run, or put things together and they wear their shirt with pride because it is their team and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Now enter the bandwagon guy. They want their team to do well, but are they going to say or believe that a turn around is possible? No they are going to cry and complain because their small market team won't spend an extra 50 million a year for a Yankees style budget. (For the person who says Houston is a big city, well that is true but it is considered a small market when it comes to media and sports--KC, NYC, LA, Boston, Chicago & even Dallas are more media absorbed...there are more cities than that too) The team is on limited budget, and as much as I hate to say it, if Uncle Drayton doesn't make money, the team goes under. They complain because we get rid of some player who was sucking the life out of us only to go somewhere else and have a bit more success..."he could have done that here"! Obviously not, or he would have!
True fans are like my friends who tailgate at the Texans games because they root when the times are bad and they see the bright future ahead of them. (Am i right here homan?) They are the guys who wear their nasty orange longhorn hats to work even when the long horns were average, before vince young! (Greg) They sit and watch every Astros game even when they were out of it in the past or when the papers dead and buried them, because they say as long as they aren't mathematically eliminated. (then rewarded with a World Series opportunity)
I guess what i am saying is if you only come out of the rafters during the good times of a franchise then do all the sports world a favor and just stay there. Don't give me some crap about how you were always a fan and you always believed because you were not and you never did.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A post to keep Seth Ghoing
Here it is is typed and it is pointless. While i do value your opinion, one must pick a time to cut his losses and move on. That just doesn't seem like it will happen with you (and well since i am used to it by now, i should just let it go).
So try to do me at least one favor, hit your jokes...carry it for a comment and move on.
*Writers note: Yes I am aware by just posting this, Seth will become even more obnoxious than before but i had to try, right? Sigh, some people!*
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Nice Guys Finish Last
Just to let you know, I will bounce all around in this because this is my first blog that I write on this site. When I write blogs for the Dilemma of Ages, I want them to come straight out of my mind, no editing. You need to know that because when people speak of truths of what they believe, it shouldn’t be sugar coated but raw and honest. So please bear with me as I continue to write blogs and I will improve much.
As many of you know, I am not very outspoken when it comes to the opposite sex. In fact, this blog may blow the minds of a lot of people who know me but I can no longer sit here and see or live through what I have anymore. I have always accepted women for who they are and yet I have come to the conclusion that the same is not always returned. Let us however for the sake of the blog remember that this is only my opinion and what is installed in my mind and may not be what has entered the mind of others. The Dilemma of Ages is about what I think at any given time. Now for those who read this just out of the blue, a bit of a background on me: I am 30 years old, single (and if you couldn’t tell that after reading this blog you are in serious trouble), a child of the Lord God Almighty, and as time grows on a wee bit bitter. Now I have a friend out there (Scott) who would tell me that “hey dude, you have to be patient and allow God to deliver because He will deliver a woman far better than I could ever catch.” You are right Scott but every once in a while, a guy has to get a few thoughts off his chest. Since this blog site is only going to be available to my friends at the moment, this will be a perfect opportunity to show a few things.
Now also for the sake of this blog, I also want to put out the basic fact that I am in no way a ladies man, nor do I have that Atlas like body…I am Nick, and that is the best way to describe me. (Also to those who know me that is no surprise of a response) I am in no way ashamed to tell the world that I work hard in trying to put God first in everything I do and though I am not always successful, I work harder everyday to be.
Ok that is over, this blog is not about whom I am and who I want to be, this is about women. I do want to begin with an apology to those women who do not fall in these categories, this isn’t meant for you. What also needs to be stated is that I in no way mean that guys are perfect, God will testify that there are just as many crappy guys out there as there seems to be women. So let’s get this thing started shall we?
“Nice guys finish last” is a statement that is overused and in no way understood, and that is why I am taking it back! I have always considered myself the nice guy, and though there are no guys out there that are perfectly nice, some excel at it more than others. A nice guy is an unselfish one, giving and kind. He puts the thoughts of others before him with the intention to gain NOTHING in return. A nice guy is not the kind of guy who does something so that he can get a little closer to a woman or gain favor with someone, that is what we call a brown-nose or a suck-up. They give of themselves not for gain but for the betterment of others. How is that for a definition? Believe it or not there are some guys out there that follow suit with this, and sure sometimes they falter from this but for the most part they are genuine.
Now that I have the definition out there I can get to the point of my blog. Like I stated earlier, I consider myself a nice guy and to those who disagree, well why have you not told me this before?
To the women: Why is it that I journey around and see all these women out there who date these guys who are totally freaking losers, they are rude and well they are just down right horrible individuals? (Yes I know that doesn’t sound Christ like) You date these guys who cheat on you, say horrible things about you, treat you terrible, and well make you basically feel like you are unworthy of anything better! I have talked to so many women who ask me or confide in me that their boyfriends have cheated, or treated you in some terrible way but you won’t separate yourself from them.
Let’s begin with cheaters. I am a strong believer in the once you are cheated on, there is a bond of trust that can not be regained with that man/woman. Good people make big mistakes, that is true and all sin can be forgiven (well except the obvious one) If you are in a dating relationship and such a thing happens, you need to reevaluate that relationship and whether it should be still together. In my opinion it is a sin that would break a relationship and no excuse can get someone off the hook of it. Those of you I have that are friends who have been there I am sorry, but that is how I see it. Now can you change, sure BUT if a guy or a girl cheats on you and you take them back…you are telling them that “hey I will take you back if you do such things.” In this same action you are telling yourself that you are not worthy of a guy who can treat you as if you are the only woman in the world for him. Let me steal another Scott line, you are worthy of such a partner! Now to forgive is the way we are taught as Christians, and yes I do believe it to be true, you are forgiven…and you can be my friend, but the trust bond of a deep relationship is gone and can’t be regained. I can yell at you (hypothetically) and you yell back and we can argue on matters but I have NOT sought the comfort of another woman, trust remains. Yet you take these guys back??? I mean seriously is that what a guy has to do to get noticed by women? (Again hypothetically) Do I have to go out and string along 2 or 3 ladies just till I find the one who will forgive me then use her and find my fulfillment in another, because if I do then I will choose to remain single for the rest of my life and be happy with that! That is my commitment to you.
The trash shall inherit the good. I know some great women of God who have become tied up with some real trash; there is no other way to put it. Abusive (mentally more than physically but both are implied) men who control them and break these girls to a point where they flee from themselves as much as they flee from God. These guys gripe when you talk to other people, they want you to do their bidding at every waking hour and they break you down to a point where you don’t see yourself for the wonderful woman you are. This is a problem, and you need serious help. See a pastor, see a friend, see a doctor, SEE GOD!!!
The Rebel: Oh the adventure, this guy lives on the edge, he does all the things that keep him one step ahead of death or he is the life of the party. You have got to be kidding me right? What kind of thrill are you looking for? What kind of relationship do you have that if you are not on some death defying stunt of life then it is not the right guy. I mean seriously do you not realize that there is just as much adventure in life when you find a guy who loves and cares for you and wants to take on life by your side?
**************Pause for Intermission, because I am sure some of you women are MAD by now at my lovely words!!!**************************************
These are a few guys I see you with on a daily basis. Now let us move on to why this irritates me so much. If I have one more woman come to me and say “I wish I could just find a nice guy like you(insert your name here nice guy)” I am sure I will just puke on them right there on the spot! I mean honestly listen to yourself speak sometime. If you really wanted a nice guy like me(insert your name here nice guy), then you would be going out with me(insert your name here nice guy)! Do you now realize how stupid that statement is? Please do me a favor, DO NOT PATRONIZE ME!!!!!! If you are saying that to build up my self esteem, I don’t need it. If you are saying it because you really mean it, then by all means why don’t you actually come off of your pedestal and take a chance sometime. You never know what may happen. Treat yourself for once and see that there are nice guys out there and they are going to take you to a world you have never been before, one that consists of treating you like the woman you deserve to be treated as.
I am not going to sit here and say you are getting what you deserve because as you can obviously read I don’t think that at all. I think you are stupid in the fact that you accept these guys that totally treat you like trash and you stay with them. You are blind and unwilling to give anyone else a chance because you are too hung up on a precious moment that he can give you. Yes sure Nick he hits me or he has cheated on me or he called me a few things that I am not but u know just a month ago he brought me flowers and took me to dinner, well I had to pay but you know it was the thought that counts. Smell the coffee and wake up! You know the old line, well he/she has a great personality but they are not much to look at or something along that line. Well I got some other news for you, when you’re 60 and old and your “worldly beauty” has gone away, all you have left is personality. All you have left is his and your heart. If you date trash, you become that and you are going to look like your 60 when you are only 40! We are all created in the image of God; we are all beautiful in our own way.
This is not meant jus for anything that happens to me. Sure I have had my list of failures (God has to have something to laugh at and well my dating life is a comedy, even I laugh at times…ha ha ha) but I have friends that are in this same boat. We are tired of seeing (some) women being stupid, and knowing it and continuing. (Some of you women out there recognize when guys are doing the same thing, can I hear you!!!!) You take the scum of the earth in over and over and over, and well as much as it sounds like I am crying, I am. I told a friend the other day (he was being superficial) that he should call and talk with a girl who gave him her number. I said to him, talk to her and get to know her. What do you have to lose by one date? If you talk to her and she spits out the seeds of Satan, well splash some holy water on her and tell her why it wont work out, but if you don’t give her a chance, then you are becoming what we hate…Superficial. He did talk to her, and found out she is a pretty cool person and who knows it may go on or it may not but he gave her a try. There is nothing wrong with stepping outside the norm; you may find out that you are the one that needed that change.
So let me go off on this, why don’t you try something a little different ladies. Cast aside your stupid ways of dating some lovely piece of garbage, and give a nice guy a chance. There is no way of doing a study on nice guys verses the other guys but I bet if you could you would see that nice guys relationships last longer. To those of you out there who are dating for “pleasure,” know this…physical pleasure with someone you are not truly in love with will die, but intimacy with a man that you are in love with doesn’t fade easily. Is there still work to do, well duh of course!
Ok I have said enough for now (this is only my first installment of this series, there is no way on earth that I could have put everything on my mind in one blog…there will be many more to come)
Here is the challenge:
Single women out there, take a minute and examine why you are single. Look at the past guys you dated, any nice ones? Take a chance on someone a bit different from your normal standard of dating and take a chance.
Dating women whom are not married: Take a minute to examine your relationship. Is he abusive, rude, and crude or just a thrill of a moment? Is this guy what you envisioned God to set you with? To keep your life on track for God, you must prune away the trash in your life and only then will God show you something that is so amazing you will realize that no way you could have found him on your own.
Married women: This is the saddest thing to say but you are in this for better or worse. Now if he is abusive, please seek some help. If he isn’t into God, you took this role and now you must pray and see God and lead a Godly life with the hope that God will come to him in the right moment so you may be linked through God as a family.
Finally to the Women who got it right: Good for you, you led the life after God, and He delivered like only He can. Your job isn’t over yet…you are a leader and a role model for others. Let the others see the glory you possess by following what was right.
*Disclaimer: If you do not share the beliefs of this individual, then you need to know that you are not alone. You do however need to respect the views of others, and well since this is what goes on in my mind and not yours, that makes it my blog. Jesus Christ is the Lord, and can I get a hallelujah? All civil comments are welcome.