First of all before I begin, lets keep in mind the spirit of Nick’s blog posts…I post them straight without correction because I type straight from my heart. I don’t type to change my mind half way through and I do bounce around a lot as usual but keep in mind the spirit of what I write and as always keep in mind that these are my words, and you do not have to think like me at all! Now on to the post….
Do me a favor and read that title and truly think about it!
Now I know there are liberals out there who are saying “Tough, that is politics!” and then there are conservatives out there saying “This isn’t fair, give equal face time…that is what is right!” My blog post purpose is to say this “know the facts!” To me, as sad as it seems, it looks like the media has already knighted Obama the next president of the United States. They amount of focus on his campaign is quite sickening. Now am I going to vote for him…ehhhh. Do I feel strong for McCain…ehhhh. The next goofball that comes up to me and says race is an issue I will slap them, if you tell me age I will kick you and most of all if you tell me not to elect another republican to office I will remind you that the person makes the office not the party. Now sure, the beliefs of that man as it comes to political parties will weigh in on his decisions but far be it from me to believe more than 10% of what is said by either candidate. “We need a change!” You are so correct sir/ma’am we do need a change, however this can only take place when the democrats and republicans put aside their pig headed ways and open themselves up to the possiblilites of a country no longer divided. Yes, as one of my friends would say we need the different parties to keep our country from being run by one set of ideas that could lead to a dictatorship, but do we need to be so far divided that it tears our country into pieces?
Far be it for me to be conservative or liberal. Anyone who knows me thinks they know exactly what I am…my liberal friends call me conservative and my conservative friends call me liberal. Now what does that tell you? Here is the crux of it all just in case you don’t truly know me and that is…I want you to think about your decisions. Do not base your choice what GW did while he was in office or how Carter messed up or the Clinton affair, but instead base your decision on what you feel is right and just as it comes to running our country. Both sides want to whine about how there are people out there who are “idiot” voters, you know ones that vote because someone fed them false information, however no one is willing to stop feeding the false information.
Let me turn my focus to the media. Now before the sides say I support Rush Butterball or Billary Clinton (yes that is misspelled like that on PURPOSE) but the truth is I just can’t stand either side. I am as hard headed as they come, but when I run into ignorant people who feel either side is the perfect way to run the country…I just puke.
I am calling for a change! Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, Left wing, right wing, chicken wing…I don’t care who you are, you need to listen up because this is what the people who are out there are saying! Give me the facts. Give me the facts. GIVE ME THE FACTS! No more dancing around questions, tell me what you believe and what you see our country needs. Then write all of this down and give it to me. Educate me. Make me a smarter voter. Speak to me in a way I can comprehend. You want a true difference in this country… you want people to vote as they should vote? Then…step off your stage, put down your thesaurus and look me in the eye and tell me what you think is wrong, and what you think is right and how can we fix and maintain this. Tell me how you are going to fix Social Security! (Not that it is broke in the first place, it shouldn’t even be around anymore…another story for another time) Show me how we can get health care to everyone! Show me how you fix welfare and the tax evaders. Show me how you are going to fix the “illegal alien” issue…by the way hate that word set…they are freaking people too! Sure they get advantages I think they shouldn’t get as non citizens but I feel there are more people out there who are citizens who do the same thing and oh by the way they don’t work at all because they are lazy! Everyone out there wants to tell me there is one thing wrong here and there, well sister/brother there is A LOT wrong out there. Tell me your solutions.
You are right…it may not be what will win when it comes to the presidency but all I want is a good, honest candidate! I want what ever we put into office to stand for what we voted them in for! Not because someone told me that “this candidate is the best!”
So a few things I think the people cry out for as the time to vote approaches:
To the media:
- Show me some equal face time, and try to be middle of the road so I can see the candidates for who they really are!
To the Candidates:
- Show me the facts. Give me the real answers whether they are popular or not!
- Educate me as a voter.
To the extreme Liberals and Conservatives:
- give me the facts of your party only and not the other, let me decide which is more ethical and most closely follow my beliefs. An election based off lies or twisted truths is one that will cause country division over and over…aren’t you not tired of this yet?
- Demonstrate the passion in what you believe by living your beliefs and not downgrading someone because they believe different…you are too old for me to tell you this but “name calling” and “tattletales” are just childish and petty.
*if you follow this, I will promise this as a voter*
- We will be better prepared and we will elect the right candidate
- We will respect the presidency and government a whole lot more
- We will be better educated! And changes will get made!
“Honesty may not be the popular approach, but it is the proper one.”
Do me a favor and read that title and truly think about it!
Now I know there are liberals out there who are saying “Tough, that is politics!” and then there are conservatives out there saying “This isn’t fair, give equal face time…that is what is right!” My blog post purpose is to say this “know the facts!” To me, as sad as it seems, it looks like the media has already knighted Obama the next president of the United States. They amount of focus on his campaign is quite sickening. Now am I going to vote for him…ehhhh. Do I feel strong for McCain…ehhhh. The next goofball that comes up to me and says race is an issue I will slap them, if you tell me age I will kick you and most of all if you tell me not to elect another republican to office I will remind you that the person makes the office not the party. Now sure, the beliefs of that man as it comes to political parties will weigh in on his decisions but far be it from me to believe more than 10% of what is said by either candidate. “We need a change!” You are so correct sir/ma’am we do need a change, however this can only take place when the democrats and republicans put aside their pig headed ways and open themselves up to the possiblilites of a country no longer divided. Yes, as one of my friends would say we need the different parties to keep our country from being run by one set of ideas that could lead to a dictatorship, but do we need to be so far divided that it tears our country into pieces?
Far be it for me to be conservative or liberal. Anyone who knows me thinks they know exactly what I am…my liberal friends call me conservative and my conservative friends call me liberal. Now what does that tell you? Here is the crux of it all just in case you don’t truly know me and that is…I want you to think about your decisions. Do not base your choice what GW did while he was in office or how Carter messed up or the Clinton affair, but instead base your decision on what you feel is right and just as it comes to running our country. Both sides want to whine about how there are people out there who are “idiot” voters, you know ones that vote because someone fed them false information, however no one is willing to stop feeding the false information.
Let me turn my focus to the media. Now before the sides say I support Rush Butterball or Billary Clinton (yes that is misspelled like that on PURPOSE) but the truth is I just can’t stand either side. I am as hard headed as they come, but when I run into ignorant people who feel either side is the perfect way to run the country…I just puke.
I am calling for a change! Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, Left wing, right wing, chicken wing…I don’t care who you are, you need to listen up because this is what the people who are out there are saying! Give me the facts. Give me the facts. GIVE ME THE FACTS! No more dancing around questions, tell me what you believe and what you see our country needs. Then write all of this down and give it to me. Educate me. Make me a smarter voter. Speak to me in a way I can comprehend. You want a true difference in this country… you want people to vote as they should vote? Then…step off your stage, put down your thesaurus and look me in the eye and tell me what you think is wrong, and what you think is right and how can we fix and maintain this. Tell me how you are going to fix Social Security! (Not that it is broke in the first place, it shouldn’t even be around anymore…another story for another time) Show me how we can get health care to everyone! Show me how you fix welfare and the tax evaders. Show me how you are going to fix the “illegal alien” issue…by the way hate that word set…they are freaking people too! Sure they get advantages I think they shouldn’t get as non citizens but I feel there are more people out there who are citizens who do the same thing and oh by the way they don’t work at all because they are lazy! Everyone out there wants to tell me there is one thing wrong here and there, well sister/brother there is A LOT wrong out there. Tell me your solutions.
You are right…it may not be what will win when it comes to the presidency but all I want is a good, honest candidate! I want what ever we put into office to stand for what we voted them in for! Not because someone told me that “this candidate is the best!”
So a few things I think the people cry out for as the time to vote approaches:
To the media:
- Show me some equal face time, and try to be middle of the road so I can see the candidates for who they really are!
To the Candidates:
- Show me the facts. Give me the real answers whether they are popular or not!
- Educate me as a voter.
To the extreme Liberals and Conservatives:
- give me the facts of your party only and not the other, let me decide which is more ethical and most closely follow my beliefs. An election based off lies or twisted truths is one that will cause country division over and over…aren’t you not tired of this yet?
- Demonstrate the passion in what you believe by living your beliefs and not downgrading someone because they believe different…you are too old for me to tell you this but “name calling” and “tattletales” are just childish and petty.
*if you follow this, I will promise this as a voter*
- We will be better prepared and we will elect the right candidate
- We will respect the presidency and government a whole lot more
- We will be better educated! And changes will get made!
“Honesty may not be the popular approach, but it is the proper one.”
Nick, Nick, Nick... don't be so silly. It's not the media that has selected the next president. It's "Make Dinner Not War", your one-stop shop for all things correct, good, and desirable.
(By the way, with Republicans, the party makes the candidate, & therefore the office. They're all the EVIL SAME.)
Amber, Amber, Amber...your statement is just uncalled for. You see, it is just understood by the entire galaxy that "Make Dinner Not War" elects the next president all the while preparing a meal and entertainment for the entire family! It would be pointless to have wrote that, because we already know that is the case. It is like saying Dwight Schrute is the worlds most intelligent man...OF COURSE HE IS!
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