Monday, January 28, 2008

On a "Lite" note...

The diet continues, and as my crankier side I have a few more tidbits of joy for those of you out there who are out for self improvement…It is not easy! Let me set the record straight on a few things, there are no such things as miracle diets and drugs that will overall help you blow fat out of your body like Brad blows through hotdogs! If you go into things believing that all will be fantastic in a few days or envision your self going into a diet or workout program thinking I will be perfect in 3 weeks…YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. I think I can safely say that 100% of failure comes from people thinking that you can rebuild your body in a matter of weeks. If that were true, then no one would have self discipline. I mean think about it, If you could eat all the pizza, pasta, and Mexican food you wanted knowing you could lose the weight in 2 to 3 weeks…no one would live past 30! Heart Attacks would be at an alarming rate (as if they aren’t already) and people would suffer from high blood pressure starting at 16!

So why do I come on here and complain? Well the biggest reason is to just blow off some steam. This has been a tough week with me losing Kevin for the week, I felt that I may have not pushed myself enough. Work is increasing at an alarming rate because it is tax season and we shall not forget school began 2 weeks ago. Welcome to the threshold. This is the toughest thing about a diet, is getting back on the weight bench or the treadmill when things get hard. There is no sugar coating, and no compromising. I have drawn on the strengths I have to make it through now and reach the ultimate prize. Now I see you are all saying “wow, this guy needs to get ahold of himself, and quit crying and just do it!” I say to all of you, handle your things in your own way, but let me be! I would like to take this moment in my blog to thank an inner circle of people who make this all worth it…

1. My Mom – In my dedication to lose weight she has stood behind me and done me one better - - She started to quit smoking the same day I did. Do you want any more motivation than that? She has smoked since she was 13, and according to her calendar that is 8 years now….according to the worlds calendar that is 43 years!!! Yesterday, as I spent the day with her and my dad I watched her close…she had 4 cigarettes!!! To tell you how amazing that is, I used to call my mom “Two-Pac” (Tupac pun). That is extreme motivation!
2. My Dad – He too is on a goal of his own, to live long enough to see his grand kids grow up…he hits the treadmill daily trying to make his life better. Asking me daily and if he catches me breaking my diet he takes whatever I got from me. (And honestly that hasn’t been often)
3. Kevin E. – He could do all his stuff on his own, and has more than an ability to lose weight when he so chooses. He included me in, and I know he won’t say it out loud but I know it is because he cares enough as a friend to help me through all of this. He wants me to be healthy just as much as I do! That is a true friend!
4. Garret H. - I have yet to have a day in this diet where I haven’t heard from Garret. I have not heard one negative word from him and he kills me with encouragement. He is nosy about what I eat and do, and if I didn’t feel like I had to account to him on a daily basis, I don’t think I would have worked as hard at this. Another True Friend!
5. Jeff F. – I know what some of you are saying, and that is Jeff? Jeff has been around though all of this and making sure I know that what I am doing is difficult and rewarding.
6. The rest of my friends – For their encouragement when I need it…we are still going…
7. Jesus – What would be a list without listing the one true King. I listed Jesus last because i want His noting to be the last one read so it sticks to your thoughts. There have been many nights I have laid in my bed and just asked him why I have to be like I am. There have been many times where I have got angry because of what I have done to myself…and you know what? He has been more than big enough to listen. Where my friends get to hear all the greatness of it all, Jesus gets to see the ugly side of me. He has been as much a savior as He has been my rock! People pay compliments for what God does on a daily basis, but allow me to pay a compliment for something He hasn’t done…He has not given me the easy way out. Through all of this, He is on his throne and everytime I feel like giving up, He gives me just what I need to continue. You want a diet partner, you want a partner for live, someone who can take you beyond anything you could ever imagine…You should give Him a call! I never say it enough, but I want You to know Jesus that I am grateful for all you have done, are doing, and will continue to do! No matter how far I must walk into the fire!!!!!

So I conclude this blog with something I am sure you all are wanting to know if you know me…How Much? Well I had my weigh in on Friday, Jan 25th and that was the official 24th day of our diet/exercise and I officially am down 20 lbs. I have so many great friends, and so much motivation…I have been asked if I am going to stick with this…my answer…I am sure I will!

(On a side note, if I lose over 100lbs, Kevin said he would let me put up one of those billboards that says I am his weight loss hero and he would take the picture…that ought to be funny…right?)


Kevin said...

I'm not gonna lie, I'm using you a bit on the whole working out thing. I mean my abilities to stay motivated to do it are pretty weak. So with me pushing you and you pushing me, it makes it easier on me as well. Either way, congrats on losing the first 20...hopefully there will be more to come.


Clifton said...

After you lose the first 100 lbs could I have the excess skin you will accumulate? I don't want it for the second 100 lbs just the first. Congrats on the weight loss and your mom's recovery from smoking. This is a huge thing your family is going through. Now if we could only get Cei off the gay porn. :)

Anonymous said...

The best part will be when Kevin has to do the hokey, out-of-place dance on the Weight Loss Hero commercial. That's a motivator right there.

I heard you've lost 20 pounds. Congratulations!

My next "Mmm delicious" will be a healthy one, I promise. No more crunchy garlic chicken.