Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A post to keep Seth Ghoing

I had many things i wanted to be in my next blog, but I decided to post a pointless blog just so Seth would have something more to complain about.

Here it is Seth...it is typed and it is pointless. While i do value your opinion, one must pick a time to cut his losses and move on. That just doesn't seem like it will happen with you (and well since i am used to it by now, i should just let it go).

So try to do me at least one favor, hit your jokes...carry it for a comment and move on.

*Writers note: Yes I am aware by just posting this, Seth will become even more obnoxious than before but i had to try, right? Sigh, some people!*


Seth said...

Funny that you averted what was undoubtedly a pointless post only to submit this pointless post.

I'd like to take this opportunity to correct your usage of the word "blog." The word is to be used either as a verb, meaning "To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog," or as a noun, meaning "a website where entries are written in chronological order and displayed in reverse chronological order." The noun version is used to refer to the collection as a whole rather than a single submission. Henceforth, try to use the accepted terminology, e.g. entry, post, or submission.

You say "While i do value your opinion, one must pick a time to cut his losses and move on. That just doesn't seem like it will happen with you..." (disclaimer: that's a copy and paste, any grammatical errors are that of the original author) I expect no value to be placed on my opinion, and what you said about cutting losses makes zero sense in this context. I polled the office. They agree.

I'd also like to take this time to thank you, kind sir, for giving me something fun to do on these slow mornings at work. A battle of wits is always fun, even when it's more of a massacre.

This one was a bit disappointing though. No rants about women, even though in your last post you stated "...this blog is not about whom I am and who I want to be, this is about women." (again, a disclaimer: that's a copy and paste, any grammatical errors are that of the original author) However, now that I think about it, you may have been talking about that post rather than the Dilemma of Ages blog as a whole. Yeesh, it's just so confusing when words aren't used as intended.

The least you could've done is quote some scripture at me or something. C'mon. Work with me here.

*Note to the writer: I absolutely LOVE the title of the post. "Ghoing." That's premium cut. It's like you combined the first syllable of my last name with the word "going." Incredible!*

Anonymous said...

This is scintillating.

Seth said...

Aww, Nicky Nick. Keep writing "blogs." I'll play nice, I pwomiss.

Unknown said...

Nick, when will you grace us with more of your wisdom? I find myself checking your blog several times a day. Someone needs to preach the word to the infidels who read and comment on your posts. I look forward to starting a blog of my on, and we can truly spread the word together my brother.

Kevin said...
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Kevin said...


I'm extrememly excited about your soon to be blog. Just know that I will be a devout follower of your work and that I hope to learn some things so that I may one day join the ranks of the army of which you are a member of. Hoorah!


Infidel Kevin

Unknown said...

Nick the sad thing is that the ones who are mocking us are the same ones who need to heed our advice the most. For I too have traveled on the wrong path a time or two; and, take it from a sixty-year-old warrior in God’s army, once you find the correct path your way to the lord is lighted. It is this path that brought me too you my dear brother Nick. It is for this reason that I know that together our voices shall be heard, and the darkness surrounding these unbelievers shall be drowned out by the light.

Kevin said...

Dang Jim...i really don't know what to say after that last post. First off i'm not exactly sure what advice i'm supposed to heed. Really the only things you have said have been about us being of Satan...which is a bit judgemental and asanine, but whatever. I'm afraid that you are hurting Nick more than you are helping him by bragging about your lack of play for 60 years...and saying you did it on purpose is another laughing matter altogether. I think the better, and more accurate response...and many guys problems, would be, "I'm a big pansy and can't talk to girls" Sure there are a lot of idiot girls out there that date idiot guys, but in the end, it all comes down to the fact that your lack of nuts caused you to be single....so live with your weakness and stop acting like you are on some high horse because you didn't get laid.

Clifton said...

Jim, I think you should read my latest blog. It could prove to be educational. Especially the part about how we should treat satanic infidels.

Unknown said...

First off Kevin I am not saying these things the lord is speaking through me. Second, I am not accusing you or any other individuals of being of Satan. I know that you think the comments left on this blog are humorous and witty; however, Nick and I are trying to spread the word to as many individuals that we can. Surely you must understand the negative impacts your comments can make to those we are trying to help. I don’t think you are Satanic, but I do believe that through his trickery Satan had a hand in the comments that you left. We obviously care about you and want you to see the light. Therefore, why would we attack you? I don’t think it was a coincidence that I stumbled upon this place. I can see that the lord whispered into Nick’s ear and Nick’s words are true and sound. Nick and I share the same father as do you, and we invite you into our family.

Clifton said...

Jim, it seems that your whole attitude has changed in the last 2.5 hours. You've gone from crazed virgin street preacher to evangelist nice guy... I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Who is Jim?

I'm not here to hate, I'd just like to THANK you for inviting Beelzebub-loving Clifton and Kevin into your family of God. It's about high time that they saw the light and started living like Good Christian Gentlemen®. I, for one, am sick to death of their devilish baloney!

Self-righteousness is awesome.

An aside: I am truly amazed--and I mean really, really floored--how a blog about absolutely nothing can generate comments about something.