-usual rules of the dilemma blog, i write these blogs straight with no grammer or spelling correction or juggling of the issues because i am just speaking my mind...enjoy!*
The countdown to the Superbowl of politics is here and all I can say is what? The magnificent sparring duos have managed to make a mockery again out of the presidential process and once again this saddens me to no end. I am sure you who read this blog know that I am not much of a person to choose Democrat or Republican, but at the rate these presidential congressmen are moving, I might as well just stay home and not vote! Some point in the election, and for that matter every election that I have had the undo “vomit-worthy” time to watch, they need to point out that these idiots are running for president. Ok I get it, you must make false promises that you cant back up in order to get the countries attention so people will vote but by all means make false promises that the president/vice-president can actually carry out. Listen Obama/McCain you are not running for congress anymore. You can not make the laws, you enforce the laws. If you are going to step into the big boy spotlight, then it is about time you act like big boys. I might be the most difficult person in the entire world to convince who to vote for because I will not be swayed by your moronic attempts to appeal to my “wants” side. Once again the liberals and conservatives have show me they are like cows being led to the slaughter and vote simply because they don’t like bush, or they don’t like Clinton or they are a card carrying member of the democratic or republican party. Well news flash, I walk around with a pizza hut buffet card in my wallet, that doesn’t mean I am going to vote for them as the worlds healthiest food. (Sure you are all saying what???) If you carry one of these cards, wonderful, however …WHY? I mean seriously isn’t your patriotic duty to your country more important. The Republicans and the Democrats of your chosen party are not always right. Neither is that Ronald Reagan hair cut a certain friend of mine had in school, but that is a psychological issue that will be dealt with when he is older, in diapers and running around the nursing home like he is superman!
I have my friends (and you know who you are) who tell me it is simple, Obama is the only choice. I have family and other friends that say the US will fall unless we get McCain in office. Well here is a news flash… Bush was not that intelligent, but we are here and Clinton had sexual relations with an intern and we are still here. 4 to 40 years later we still have the same problems. Democrats and Republicans have yet to fix anything except the seriousness of the presidency. All we can talk about is bush’s “stoopidness” yet we had a real moron who brought shame to the white house just 9 years ago in his cheating ways and now he backs up his wife??? How interesting.
Why isn’t this simple? Why can’t the American public get a clue and realize what the presidency is all about. Why can’t we call out the candidates? I am beyond blaming the candidates at this point on, now I blame us. When are we going to wake up, realize the job of the president and hold him/her/it to just that? I had to come to the saddest realization a year or so ago and that is we will never elect a good president again because in order to be a good president, you have to be what a president is: A upholder of the law and honest! People just wont vote for the honest man, even though it hurts.
So do me a favor oh mighty straight ticket Democratic and republican voters, apologize to me for ruining the office I hold most high and then take a bow. You have officially made me sad.