A cold night, one not fit for most to be out and about on, however, when it concerns life or death there is no choice. With the death of night creeping to its darkest hour and the only thing one can hear is his own heartbeat and the footsteps that are marked by a trembling of the hands and a nervousness of being discovered, two men hurry on in hopes of freedom. This was no ordinary camp and these were no ordinary men, for I know one of them as well as I can know anything and to tell you now that they are heroes, you would never believe. Here they are the only two captives of a horrible regime that is hell bent on world domination and they are doing so by moving the world to their every demand. One mile from this encampment is the possibility of freedom, but can they do it. German voices ring out in terror as they make a grave discovery…they are gone! Soldiers mount up in arms, and though the two men can’t understand what they are saying there is one thing for certain, killing is on their minds. Into a tent the two brave men run where Kevin notices a tank. For those who know Kevin, you know he is never shy about stepping outside the bounds of the regular to have a laugh or two, but is this a time for jokes? Kevin climbs the tank, which its massive size is compared to a small building, and prepares to ride his chariot to freedom. Nick mounts the turret on the tank and they take off to a shrill of German horror. How fitting is it that two German descendants are now going to be the ones to take down this power hungry army. With a mighty cannon blast, Kevin smokes an on coming jeep with 6 Nazis in it and with a loud explosion there are no survivors. Not to be one who just kills with a cannon, he turns his focus to running over small groups of Nazis which for some reason doesn’t kill them but instead angers them more. Another explosion as well as fire and screaming signals that Kevin has just torched two more jeeps and ran over 3 buildings that lay in his path. Camera flashes go off all around, people are not just screaming for fear but there is much cheering as well. Street clothed people in tourist clothes enjoy the show as two men wipe out an entire base. The fence crumbles below the pressure of the tank as Kevin and Nick flee into the streets of San Francisco in hopes for freedom. It is decided, there is no way they can out run the army of Nazis by tank, so they abandon the tank and flee to a familiar hotel they stayed at when last here. No where to hide, they flee away from Chinatown and duck into a darkened stairwell. There was no where to go. The door above has been sealed off, so the brave men hid in the shadows of the stairwell hoping to not be detected. Is this it? Are they finished? Suddenly the face of a young Asian Nazi soldier appears in the glass door. Unable to completely hide, they were easily detected and this was sure to be the last run of the brave duo. The Asian gentleman smiled and gave a quick thumbs-up to the heroes, and turned to the Nazis and told them that there was no one in there. A sigh of relief laid out over the cold air as the Nazi soldiers moved on. Leaving their hiding spot to move on, they were spotted by 3 rogue soldiers and a fight ensued. Nick easily took out two of the soldiers while Kevin gutted the third with a broken piece of glass he had found. There was no blood, what does this mean? Hearing footsteps, Kevin opened a man cover into the sewer. The greasy residue was exactly like a pizza hut grease trap and it wreaked of year old food. They pushed on till the air started to clear and the end of the tunnel was in sight. Kevin easily tossed the man hole cover aside to reveal they were at the fisherman’s wharf looking out at the shore of two American allies: the French and the Spanish. It has seemed that the Nazi soldiers had moved San Francisco to England and the brave heroes were not in America. Their mission clear, their goals set they decided to split up and swim to apposing shores in order to get help and make it back to the US. Nick swam off to Spain while Kevin swam for France. The water was freezing, fighting through ice and the burden of the long journey meant that this task would not be easy by any means. Then a flash and a click, a light shown out over all he could see. Nick struggled to see what was going on…it was his computer monitor! WHAT IN THE WORLD? Man, I don’t know what I ate before bed last night, but that was the funkiest dream of all time!