Saturday, June 23, 2007

Heart Matters Part 1: The Question

As I start a new series on “Heart Matters” I was presented with a statement that I think as a Christian I truly do not think about when I do things not of myself. When I go out of my way for a friend or a stranger, I would like to think I do it by this statement, but do I or does anyone really do that. (I am sure some people do, I think in general I am speaking of myself) The speaker was talking of work his congregation was doing for a local school and he made this statement:

“We do not do this so that people might be saved; we do things because we are.”

How much reality is in that statement? If Christians take this attitude to work, school, home, the gas station or anywhere in life we go, what would happen? Sometimes I think we are too wrapped up in the world around us to even notice that it isn’t about politics or popularity but it is about living a life that others may truly see we are saved. So we begin with Heart Matters part 1: “The Question”.

Psalms 42:1-5 & Psalm 63:1-7

This is an often miss-viewed scripture. You often think of a beautiful deer drinking from a stream in a beautiful forest scene…and while that is cute and all the author of this text is speaking differently. This is as a deer thirsts for water, seeking it desperately or it will die, so the author also seeks God or he too shall die without Him.

Habakkuk 3:17-19

Whether he has all the great things in life or whether he has absolutely nothing…Habakkuk praises the Lord

Philippians 3:8-11

Paul states (FIRMLY) not the line of whether it is close to a gray area or keep me from going to far, he asks himself: Is this going to rob me of knowing Jesus more deeply or is this going to help me to know him more deeply. There is no gray area! There is no close to the line…I mean if you are trying to see how close you can get to that line then aren’t we actually testing God? That too is wrong! Then as if Paul, who God has shown himself too and used to deliver thousands of people to Him, asks to know God more!!! He is greedy in wanting to be close as we all should be.

A quote from a 16th century man Brother Lawrence: “I have had such delicious thoughts on God that I am ashamed to mention them.” When have we actually had such a vision of Christ? So on to the question from the speaker of the evening: “Why don’t we?”

Why don’t we live such a life that we are bothered by the fact that people don’t know about God?

Why don’t we care enough to do things not to see people saved but because we are saved?

Why is it that we are so unmoved by the lives around us that are suffering?

Why don’t we have such thoughts on God that we are moved?

The disciples needed God and to them that was enough. Now I wont offer it as an excuse but they did have the opportunity to walk and physically touch Jesus, but what we have as Christians is something I really believe to be even greater…we believe in God even though we can not reach out and physically touch him…Faith.

Why are we so hardened as people that helping someone is beneath us? Can we change this? What do you think we should do?...your thoughts because after this first teaching, I am quite sick at my stomach at the thought of me being me!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Softball not for the old

Last night I did something that will go down in my book as a good sign that i am old and lonely...I went to watch my friends (who seem to have a problem realizing they are old) play "slow" pitch softball. I shall now take you to a rundown of the evening:

Kevin was 2 for 5 for the in baseball this would be good, but these are a bunch of old men tossing a watermelon sized ball to the plate and he couldnt get it into play...seriously are you kidding me? His worst error on the evening...actually showing up.

Now on to one fielded his position better. Great players hit often, and great fielders play ....only the greatest players are 1st base coaches for A SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE. WHAT!?! Yes they have 1st base coaches and clifton is so good he doesnt even start, but he manages to lead his team in telling the people on 1st how many outs there are and when the ball gets by the catcher. BAAACK!!!! He got on because the fielder made a crappy play while checking out kevin on third. His second hit was a screamer to the pitcher and with an amazing grab threw clifton out by only a step or ten. He did however make a play at the plate and in right field so props there.

Finally...Brad. Brad found it difficult to get it from second base to pitcher but soon overcame that to throw a man out at home twice. Of course his acrobatic move at second which he mooned the crowd led to a good laugh. He went 2 for 3 with a sac fly and a tremendous slide at second (he tripped over the base)

Ahh what a night...the worst part of the night was...i was so bad myself that i couldnt even get invited to be on the how bad does that make me????

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Fan

*This blog is for all you true fan believers out there*
It is time for a less intense blog. It is apparent by my previous writings, that starting a war is inevitable. So allow me the opportunity to speak out to another one of those things that really bother me...The fan.
How many of you out there are tired of those annoying jerks who claim to be fans of your sports franchise. For as long as i remember, I have been a Houston Astros, Rockets & Oilers/Texans fan as well as a Washington Redskins fan and i am that fan in spite of their woes and troubles. As any true fan, i always want to see my team succeed but rarely do. Here though is my problem, the "bandwagoner", the being that can and does ruin all sports for just about everybody that is a fan of any sport. You walk around always complaining of what could have been and even when that team is doing well, they should be better and when they are losing, you are always right. Far be it from me to deny you of your god complex and point out how you are wrong. (Oh wait that is what i am doing)
Let us take the Houston Astros for example. They are in a lovely slump where winning more than 2 straight just seems impossible. The true fan wants them to succeed, believes the talent is there and doesn't spend the rest of their days wishing they had all these past, unproductive players back. They always think there is a chance to make a run, or put things together and they wear their shirt with pride because it is their team and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Now enter the bandwagon guy. They want their team to do well, but are they going to say or believe that a turn around is possible? No they are going to cry and complain because their small market team won't spend an extra 50 million a year for a Yankees style budget. (For the person who says Houston is a big city, well that is true but it is considered a small market when it comes to media and sports--KC, NYC, LA, Boston, Chicago & even Dallas are more media absorbed...there are more cities than that too) The team is on limited budget, and as much as I hate to say it, if Uncle Drayton doesn't make money, the team goes under. They complain because we get rid of some player who was sucking the life out of us only to go somewhere else and have a bit more success..."he could have done that here"! Obviously not, or he would have!
True fans are like my friends who tailgate at the Texans games because they root when the times are bad and they see the bright future ahead of them. (Am i right here homan?) They are the guys who wear their nasty orange longhorn hats to work even when the long horns were average, before vince young! (Greg) They sit and watch every Astros game even when they were out of it in the past or when the papers dead and buried them, because they say as long as they aren't mathematically eliminated. (then rewarded with a World Series opportunity)
I guess what i am saying is if you only come out of the rafters during the good times of a franchise then do all the sports world a favor and just stay there. Don't give me some crap about how you were always a fan and you always believed because you were not and you never did.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A post to keep Seth Ghoing

I had many things i wanted to be in my next blog, but I decided to post a pointless blog just so Seth would have something more to complain about.

Here it is is typed and it is pointless. While i do value your opinion, one must pick a time to cut his losses and move on. That just doesn't seem like it will happen with you (and well since i am used to it by now, i should just let it go).

So try to do me at least one favor, hit your jokes...carry it for a comment and move on.

*Writers note: Yes I am aware by just posting this, Seth will become even more obnoxious than before but i had to try, right? Sigh, some people!*

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Nice Guys Finish Last

Just to let you know, I will bounce all around in this because this is my first blog that I write on this site. When I write blogs for the Dilemma of Ages, I want them to come straight out of my mind, no editing. You need to know that because when people speak of truths of what they believe, it shouldn’t be sugar coated but raw and honest. So please bear with me as I continue to write blogs and I will improve much.

As many of you know, I am not very outspoken when it comes to the opposite sex. In fact, this blog may blow the minds of a lot of people who know me but I can no longer sit here and see or live through what I have anymore. I have always accepted women for who they are and yet I have come to the conclusion that the same is not always returned. Let us however for the sake of the blog remember that this is only my opinion and what is installed in my mind and may not be what has entered the mind of others. The Dilemma of Ages is about what I think at any given time. Now for those who read this just out of the blue, a bit of a background on me: I am 30 years old, single (and if you couldn’t tell that after reading this blog you are in serious trouble), a child of the Lord God Almighty, and as time grows on a wee bit bitter. Now I have a friend out there (Scott) who would tell me that “hey dude, you have to be patient and allow God to deliver because He will deliver a woman far better than I could ever catch.” You are right Scott but every once in a while, a guy has to get a few thoughts off his chest. Since this blog site is only going to be available to my friends at the moment, this will be a perfect opportunity to show a few things.

Now also for the sake of this blog, I also want to put out the basic fact that I am in no way a ladies man, nor do I have that Atlas like body…I am Nick, and that is the best way to describe me. (Also to those who know me that is no surprise of a response) I am in no way ashamed to tell the world that I work hard in trying to put God first in everything I do and though I am not always successful, I work harder everyday to be.

Ok that is over, this blog is not about whom I am and who I want to be, this is about women. I do want to begin with an apology to those women who do not fall in these categories, this isn’t meant for you. What also needs to be stated is that I in no way mean that guys are perfect, God will testify that there are just as many crappy guys out there as there seems to be women. So let’s get this thing started shall we?

“Nice guys finish last” is a statement that is overused and in no way understood, and that is why I am taking it back! I have always considered myself the nice guy, and though there are no guys out there that are perfectly nice, some excel at it more than others. A nice guy is an unselfish one, giving and kind. He puts the thoughts of others before him with the intention to gain NOTHING in return. A nice guy is not the kind of guy who does something so that he can get a little closer to a woman or gain favor with someone, that is what we call a brown-nose or a suck-up. They give of themselves not for gain but for the betterment of others. How is that for a definition? Believe it or not there are some guys out there that follow suit with this, and sure sometimes they falter from this but for the most part they are genuine.

Now that I have the definition out there I can get to the point of my blog. Like I stated earlier, I consider myself a nice guy and to those who disagree, well why have you not told me this before?

To the women: Why is it that I journey around and see all these women out there who date these guys who are totally freaking losers, they are rude and well they are just down right horrible individuals? (Yes I know that doesn’t sound Christ like) You date these guys who cheat on you, say horrible things about you, treat you terrible, and well make you basically feel like you are unworthy of anything better! I have talked to so many women who ask me or confide in me that their boyfriends have cheated, or treated you in some terrible way but you won’t separate yourself from them.

Let’s begin with cheaters. I am a strong believer in the once you are cheated on, there is a bond of trust that can not be regained with that man/woman. Good people make big mistakes, that is true and all sin can be forgiven (well except the obvious one) If you are in a dating relationship and such a thing happens, you need to reevaluate that relationship and whether it should be still together. In my opinion it is a sin that would break a relationship and no excuse can get someone off the hook of it. Those of you I have that are friends who have been there I am sorry, but that is how I see it. Now can you change, sure BUT if a guy or a girl cheats on you and you take them back…you are telling them that “hey I will take you back if you do such things.” In this same action you are telling yourself that you are not worthy of a guy who can treat you as if you are the only woman in the world for him. Let me steal another Scott line, you are worthy of such a partner! Now to forgive is the way we are taught as Christians, and yes I do believe it to be true, you are forgiven…and you can be my friend, but the trust bond of a deep relationship is gone and can’t be regained. I can yell at you (hypothetically) and you yell back and we can argue on matters but I have NOT sought the comfort of another woman, trust remains. Yet you take these guys back??? I mean seriously is that what a guy has to do to get noticed by women? (Again hypothetically) Do I have to go out and string along 2 or 3 ladies just till I find the one who will forgive me then use her and find my fulfillment in another, because if I do then I will choose to remain single for the rest of my life and be happy with that! That is my commitment to you.

The trash shall inherit the good. I know some great women of God who have become tied up with some real trash; there is no other way to put it. Abusive (mentally more than physically but both are implied) men who control them and break these girls to a point where they flee from themselves as much as they flee from God. These guys gripe when you talk to other people, they want you to do their bidding at every waking hour and they break you down to a point where you don’t see yourself for the wonderful woman you are. This is a problem, and you need serious help. See a pastor, see a friend, see a doctor, SEE GOD!!!

The Rebel: Oh the adventure, this guy lives on the edge, he does all the things that keep him one step ahead of death or he is the life of the party. You have got to be kidding me right? What kind of thrill are you looking for? What kind of relationship do you have that if you are not on some death defying stunt of life then it is not the right guy. I mean seriously do you not realize that there is just as much adventure in life when you find a guy who loves and cares for you and wants to take on life by your side?

**************Pause for Intermission, because I am sure some of you women are MAD by now at my lovely words!!!**************************************

These are a few guys I see you with on a daily basis. Now let us move on to why this irritates me so much. If I have one more woman come to me and say “I wish I could just find a nice guy like you(insert your name here nice guy)” I am sure I will just puke on them right there on the spot! I mean honestly listen to yourself speak sometime. If you really wanted a nice guy like me(insert your name here nice guy), then you would be going out with me(insert your name here nice guy)! Do you now realize how stupid that statement is? Please do me a favor, DO NOT PATRONIZE ME!!!!!! If you are saying that to build up my self esteem, I don’t need it. If you are saying it because you really mean it, then by all means why don’t you actually come off of your pedestal and take a chance sometime. You never know what may happen. Treat yourself for once and see that there are nice guys out there and they are going to take you to a world you have never been before, one that consists of treating you like the woman you deserve to be treated as.

I am not going to sit here and say you are getting what you deserve because as you can obviously read I don’t think that at all. I think you are stupid in the fact that you accept these guys that totally treat you like trash and you stay with them. You are blind and unwilling to give anyone else a chance because you are too hung up on a precious moment that he can give you. Yes sure Nick he hits me or he has cheated on me or he called me a few things that I am not but u know just a month ago he brought me flowers and took me to dinner, well I had to pay but you know it was the thought that counts. Smell the coffee and wake up! You know the old line, well he/she has a great personality but they are not much to look at or something along that line. Well I got some other news for you, when you’re 60 and old and your “worldly beauty” has gone away, all you have left is personality. All you have left is his and your heart. If you date trash, you become that and you are going to look like your 60 when you are only 40! We are all created in the image of God; we are all beautiful in our own way.

This is not meant jus for anything that happens to me. Sure I have had my list of failures (God has to have something to laugh at and well my dating life is a comedy, even I laugh at times…ha ha ha) but I have friends that are in this same boat. We are tired of seeing (some) women being stupid, and knowing it and continuing. (Some of you women out there recognize when guys are doing the same thing, can I hear you!!!!) You take the scum of the earth in over and over and over, and well as much as it sounds like I am crying, I am. I told a friend the other day (he was being superficial) that he should call and talk with a girl who gave him her number. I said to him, talk to her and get to know her. What do you have to lose by one date? If you talk to her and she spits out the seeds of Satan, well splash some holy water on her and tell her why it wont work out, but if you don’t give her a chance, then you are becoming what we hate…Superficial. He did talk to her, and found out she is a pretty cool person and who knows it may go on or it may not but he gave her a try. There is nothing wrong with stepping outside the norm; you may find out that you are the one that needed that change.

So let me go off on this, why don’t you try something a little different ladies. Cast aside your stupid ways of dating some lovely piece of garbage, and give a nice guy a chance. There is no way of doing a study on nice guys verses the other guys but I bet if you could you would see that nice guys relationships last longer. To those of you out there who are dating for “pleasure,” know this…physical pleasure with someone you are not truly in love with will die, but intimacy with a man that you are in love with doesn’t fade easily. Is there still work to do, well duh of course!

Ok I have said enough for now (this is only my first installment of this series, there is no way on earth that I could have put everything on my mind in one blog…there will be many more to come)

Here is the challenge:

Single women out there, take a minute and examine why you are single. Look at the past guys you dated, any nice ones? Take a chance on someone a bit different from your normal standard of dating and take a chance.

Dating women whom are not married: Take a minute to examine your relationship. Is he abusive, rude, and crude or just a thrill of a moment? Is this guy what you envisioned God to set you with? To keep your life on track for God, you must prune away the trash in your life and only then will God show you something that is so amazing you will realize that no way you could have found him on your own.

Married women: This is the saddest thing to say but you are in this for better or worse. Now if he is abusive, please seek some help. If he isn’t into God, you took this role and now you must pray and see God and lead a Godly life with the hope that God will come to him in the right moment so you may be linked through God as a family.

Finally to the Women who got it right: Good for you, you led the life after God, and He delivered like only He can. Your job isn’t over yet…you are a leader and a role model for others. Let the others see the glory you possess by following what was right.

*Disclaimer: If you do not share the beliefs of this individual, then you need to know that you are not alone. You do however need to respect the views of others, and well since this is what goes on in my mind and not yours, that makes it my blog. Jesus Christ is the Lord, and can I get a hallelujah? All civil comments are welcome.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Dilemma of Ages

Under Construction: This blog is to solve the true "Dilemma of Ages" and that dilemma is Me